Chapter 10

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A/n: as you know you've just blacked out XD, now to carry on the story <B^D

Your POV

You woke up to a dark oak wood roof. Three recognisable heads leaned over you, each shushing the other one

"Dipper? Mabel? Bill?" You asked sitting up, you hissed at the pain of blood searing through your head and you lay back down
"You will have to rest for a few days" Bill said
"Your horns are now gone but you had heavy bleeding round your head" dipper explained

You lifted your hand to you head and pulled it away to see you hand soaked in iron smelling blood

"We were just changing your bandages!" Mabel said
"Okay" you mumbled, wiping you hand on your trousers
"You've got to have this jab that Ford gave us" Bill said
"Wait... WHOS FORD?" You exclaimed

*after explaining cuz I'm to lazy to write it down*

"I missed all that?!" You said
"You were in a coma for a week" Mabel explained
"Now you need the injection, it will allow you to heal much quicker and it will take away the risk of you dying" Bill pleaded
"Injection?" You started (you have a fear of injections, so just go with the flow!)
"Nuh uh" you pouted
"Awe come on, it won't hurt" whimpered Dipper, he was too cute to say no to

Wait what? You head told you, you've only just met him!

"Okay" you whispered, turning you head to look away, your body tensing

Bills POV

Awe, she looks cute when she's scared! Ugh why did I say that

"It would hurt a lot less if you relax" I say, calming her down

I quickly jabbed the needle in her arm, she winced slightly but apart from that she was fine!

"It's wasn't so bad? Was it?" I smiled
"Nope" she admitted

I gave her a quick hug which made her blush slightly and made Dipper go fifty shades of red (from anger and jealousy of course)

We all left the room to let her rest for a bit. I snuck back into the room as Dipper and Mabel went downstairs. I stood over Y/n, she looked beautiful when she slept, her h/l h/c hair spread out across her pillow. I quickly pecked her forehead and went downstairs to join the others.

I knew Ford wasn't exactly happy with me staying in his house, so I just avoided him most of the time.

Sat down on the sofa next to Dipper as Mabel insisted we watch ducktective

Dippers POV

We were watching Ducktective when I heard a scream, y/n scream
We all ran up to our bedroom to see y/n wide awake holding her knees to her chest and rocking back and forth, back an forth.
I ran to her side

"What's the matter?" I asked with a concerned face
"A n-nightmare" she shook, tripping over words

I hugged her tight, to comfort her, she hugged back and cried into my shoulder

"Eh hem" Bill coughed, obviously jealous
"Awe Dipper likes y..." Mabel was cut off by Dipper putting a hand over her mouth
"Eww! Mabel did you just lick me?!" I said wiping my hand on my jacket
"Yep" Mabel proudly stated, wiping her mouth

Y/n and Bill burst out laughing as I pouted.

A/n: Meh took me 1 hour and didn't proof read cuz I'm lazy XD, anyways, CHECK OUT MY "Dare the welcome to hell characters book" AND COMMENT DARES!! Anyways hope you enjoyed this chapter! Next ones coming soon!

Gravity Falls Bill x Reader x DipperWhere stories live. Discover now