Chapter 14

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Your POV

The forest only seemed to have gotten denser the further the car went, causing shadows to cast over the ground. The atmosphere was silent, no one else was talking, and there seemed to be no wildlife around, as if the heart of the woods was beating with death.

The car jolted to a halt, causing you to lean forwards than back to the original position you sat in. You glanced out of the window, to find the car pulled up infront of an old, and what seemed to be burned, hospital in the clearing of the forest.

The hooded man seemed to show a brief gesture of discomfort, though it was soon replaced to his usual stance as he stepped out the car.

Everyone else, including yourself followed Hoodie's actions. Your pulse raced through your body, sending cool chills up your spine, which was comforted by Bill putting an arm around your shoulder.

"So, why are we here?" You managed to say, relieved you didn't stutter. Your eyes darted around the what should of been a serene setting, instead, more of a disturbing backdrop, which seemed to leak with death.

"The Operator, he wants, a word" Masky hummed, yet he also, seemed quite hollow in the new surroundings.

"Are you afraid?" You asked, a hint of worry lacing your words, which caused the two masked men to slightly flinch at your question.

"... No, we just don't want to be here, we've spent more than enough time here" Masky said, pausing between phrases, managing to give away any details.

To prevent any more of an uncomfortable scene, you just stayed silent, deciding not the push for answers, incase it angered them.

It seemed like hours before something happened, when it was merely a couple of minutes.

A tall figure appeared a few meters away from you, causing your eyes to widen from surprise, and from what was infront of you. A tall thin man, wearing a suit and tie, who was also faceless, seemed to be staring at you.

A soft whir of distortion seemed to echo through your ears, whilst a pulsing headache suddenly hit your skull.

"What do you want?" You shouted at who you guessed was the operator.

A voice in your head spoke out 'Don't be afraid, my child, I won't hurt you'.

The voice seemed to sooth the head ache and ringing sounds, making your body release tension. You smiled to yourself, as you realised the Operator was the one talking.

"Why did you want to talk?" You asked, tilting your head in a childish manner, the man infront seemed to fill you with a young excitement, flowing with curiosity.

'We need your help' He replied, his tone starting to be hushed, as if it caused him depression.

"With what?" You said, concerned at the matter, and why he needed you to help him.

After a moment of silence he replied with two words.

'With Will'

[Sorry it's a short chapter, seeing as you've waited for ages, there is no excuse, so it's now okay if you will now plot the assassination of Author-Chan]

So I need to change this poem (Havisham- Carol Ann Duffy) into a writing piece, but I don't want to do like a diary entry, flashbacks or something like that, because everyone's doing that, can you comment suggestions below please? THANK YOU!!]

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