02: Distance

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"Jules honey wake up, let's get your bags together." My father sits a cup of Starbucks coffee on my inn table before pulling me into his strong arms. I taste my morning breathe and cringe. I pull away and my dad stands up from my bed awkwardly. We don't really make much contact he is the 'I'll protect you from a distance type.' He smiles once again before leaving me alone in my room.

I get up with my blanket wrapped around me because of my lack of slumber clothes. My baby blue closet doors are calling my name, I open the sliding doors and look in there, it's funny when I was little I had secretly watched a film called It with my cousin Stacy and I was horrified of looking into my deep dark abyss of the small room in fear that the familiar white and red faced clown would pull me in , and I'd be lost forever.

I've since gotten over my phobia of the circus performers, because I had told myself that the odds of there being an actual killer clown were slim until I learned that there was a little round man in America some years ago who was called John Gacy who took some interest in dressing as a clown and mutilating small boys, well at least I was safe.

I look into it and pull out a small black dress that flows outwards and has lace sleeves, it fits my petite frame nice, I was blessed with a bit of a 'rack' as guys would call it. The rest of me was rather small and well small. I'm not tall whatsoever. I go into my washroom and take a shower shaving everything that needed to be taken care of. I get out and put on some makeup that my mother insist I have.

"Julianna are you ready? We'll be late if you don't put some pep in your step dear." My mothers American accent breaks through the hallway, she's from a small town in Kentucky. I've only been there a handful of times, I speak like my mother but I have hints of my fathers accent as well, I use American words with Australian dialects. I grab a couple of my bags and walk down the stairs into my living room. My father goes up the stairs two at a time to grab my remaining bags and he carries them to the car placing them in the trunk.

My mother and I follow closely behind him, I do a mental checklist to make sure I have everything I intended on taking. Deoderent? Check. Razors? Yes. Makeup? Check. Satisfied with myself I close our door behind me making sure it's locked. I take the few steps from our front door to our family car. I feel myself getting excited about traveling but at the same time I feel fear inside myself because I'm going to be away from my mother for two whole months when I've never even been away from her more than two days.

"Julie honey you will be fine I promise. You will make mates as soon as you get there." My father glances at me in the rearview mirror giving me a smile that makes my stomach calm a bit.

"Thanks dad, it's just that I'm not used to being away from you guys and I don't know how good I'm going to be with transitioning into society. Well my society." I push my worries back down. I'll be fine. Julianna you will make friends. I battle with myself until my father pulls into a spot surrounded by woods that looked eerily similar to a horror movie setting. My mother turns to me with a fake smile plastered on her face I can see tears in her eyes.

"Well here we are. My baby girl is going to be away from me for two whole months." She turns back around and opens her door getting out followed by my father who pops the trunk and pulls my bags out motioning for my mother and I to follow him. We walk for only a second before a woman who looks about my grandmothers age appears in front of us, a genuine smile upon her face.

"Hello I'm Wanda and I'm the head honcho around here, if you need anything don't hesitate to come to me. And you are?" She extends her and for me to hesitantly take her grasp is firm yet kind.

"I'm Julianna Joy it's a pleasure to meet you ma'am." Her smiles widens even more with the mention of my name.

"Ahh, Julia Joy, I knew your grandparents years ago when they started this camp up. I'm so glad someone in the family got the love for music." She gives my father a stern look. She knew things I didn't. I didn't know that my grandparents did anything besides spawn my father and his twin brother. I suppose I never really asked about them, I didn't know them.

They passed away when I was only three. They had taken up piloting and they met some people who also enjoyed piloting. One day they all decided to go up in an old model plane but something happened with the engine and it failed once they got high enough. They came down in flames, all four of them.

"Julianna dear , let's get you to your cabin. Tell your parents goodbye. I'll give you guys a minute." She turns away and my parents envelope me into a tight hug. I feel my mothers tears wet my light brown hair turning it darker.

"I love you honey you will have fun, please make the most of this okay?" Her eyes which are usually a icey blue are shades darker with worry and sadness. I look into my father's, his are still a light shade of brown very different from my own emerald green ones.

"I love you guys, I will be fine. I'll have as much fun as I can-"

"Safe. Protected Fun Jules." My father cuts me off laughing after saying this sex joke to his only sixteen year old daughter whom which he is leaving alone at a summer camp.

"I will daddy, you guys have fun too." I say as I pull them into another quick hug. They quickly disappear into the woods without another word of goodbye, my parents aren't really sentimental. They don't cry much, well my father doesn't ever cry.

"Miss Wanda can we help this one carry her bags to the cabin? It looks like she has a lot of stuff." I turn around at the sound of a boy.

One has a smile plastered on his face, his own emerald green eyes shine as he takes bags that my father was holding mere seconds ago. Another boy taking my bags with eyes the color of my mothers they both smile and I feel my heart beat quicken.

Oh shit.

A|N dedicated to hemmofanatic because anyone who clicks on this needs to go read Skinny by her its about calum and gives me so many feels i swearz

this is a bit of a filler but some of the boys have made a cameo. Yip yip. I'm actually excited about this. I hope you all are too.



Recommend to your Homies.


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