01: Getting Out

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"Jules all im saying is you need to get out of the house, what is two months going to hurt?" My mom says running her small hand through her amber colored hair. Her crystal blue eyes piercing into my soul, I shift uncomfortably on the plush red couch.

"Mom, I'm perfectly fine spending my summer here in the comfort of my own home where I can lounge around with nothing on, and practice." My mother scoffs at the image of her daughter prancing around in the nude while home alone.

"Julie, it's only a band camp you can practice there with other people who have your love for music, the camp is literally called camp treble and besides mom and I will be gone most of the time." My father always tries to be the mediator for when my mother and I get into 'debates' his caramel eyes have nothing but love in them. I always tend to lean toward my father when I need something. Mostly because I spend almost every second with my mother.

"Jules you need to be surrounded with people your age. You literally go no where without us and you are sixteen and honey you don't have any friends" my mother says putting a hand on my leg attempting to be comforting.

"Sure I do, Lisa is my friend. Tara is my friend, Scott is my friend...need I go on?" I put my hand out in a motion as I ask my question but my mother needs no time for her comeback.

"Honey the librarian , the crossguard and our dog do not count as proper friends." My parents both laugh at how socially challenged I am.

"I don't need 'proper' friends the only friends I need are Jace Herondale, Clary Fray,Will Herondale and Magnus Bane. My book friends." This statement sent my parents into another fit of hysterics Maybe I did need to get out.

"Fine. One week. But if I go there and don't like it I'm coming home and you waist the money." I say standing up fixing my dress detailed with music notes. My mother claps her hands together, standing up with me, she wraps her long arms around my frail frame.

"Oh honey you will love it, we need to go shopping." I roll my eyes and only my father sees, he laughs before joining in our little hug. He pulls away only to take out a small piece of plastic to hand to me.

"Go with your mother Julianna and have fun, be a girl. Go on a spree and don't you dare even glance at price tags." He and my mother both walk away toward our kitchen. My family is well off my father is just away a lot on account of his job, he is some sort of travelling doctor. My mother doesn't complain because of the money he makes. We have always been well off. My mother only works in the summer time because during the school year I'm her job, I've been homeschooled my whole life. All 10 grades I've been through have been in the comfort of my own home.

I'm not really sure why my parents decided to make me a social causality. I just don't understand why they want me to get out of my comfort zone now. I pull my phone out and type camp treble in my Google bar. Google is my safe haven, I click on the link. The website home screen is colorful and reads Camp Treble, just on the coast of Sydney. Great. Sydney is about half of an hour from my hometown. My mom walks back into the living room with my car keys in her hand. She tosses them to me. I've had my license for about three months but I only drive to see my friend Lisa at the library.

"Come on Julie you're driving to the mall. You have your dads credit card still?" She walks toward the door after I nod. I walk out behind her.

"Love you daddy." I scream as I walk out closing the door behind me. My mom is waiting in the passengers seat. She smiles at me when I get into the car.

"I can't wait to hear about the friends you make, maybe you'll even meet a boy." She laughs and I feel a little anxiety bubble in my stomach. I don't even know how to make friends let alone how to make a boy like me.

"Yeah right Mom, I doubt that will happen, I don't even know how boys work. I only agreed to go to that camp because I want to further my knowledge of the piano mother." I feel a smile break across my face and my mother giggles a little more. I turn my radio up and we listen to Fall Out Boy until we park at our mall.

"Honey we're shopping for your trip so we need to get you some makeup. And whatever clothes you want." She smiles and falls behind me, letting me pick the stores we go into.
I pick hot topic and forever 21 to get my wardrobe for band camp. If I can even call it that.

"Mom, when does it start?" My mother had moved us into Victoria's Secret and was showing me some very promiscuous undergarments she wanted me to buy.

"We leave tomorrow afternoon, Julie look at these aren't they cute?" She holds up a pair of hot pink thongs. I feel my face turn a shade of red she was my mom and she wasn't supposed to want to buy skimpy clothes for her only child.

"Tomorrow after noon really thank you for bringing it up in advance mother." I take the thongs and pick up a couple more of various colors and designs.

"Sorry honey. Is that all you need from here?" We walk to the cashier and I give her my fathers card once again. After a small stop at a cookie stand we are off to the car and headed home to pack for the first contact with people around my age.

A|N This is dedicated to AudreyEve because her story made me fall in love with writing if anyone ever reads this go read her story "Drunk Words are Sober Thoughts" It is one of the best stories i've ever read.

  so this is my third attempt at a fanfic, I actually have a game plan for this one that I'm most definitely sticking to, I promise. If you guys have read my other ones. I'm sorry. If this is your first one, congrats BC this one doesn't suck ass, yet. Also im not telling you guys who this one is based on yet. Bc tbh idrk...~B.



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