16: Feelings

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Michael had a look of astonishment across his face.

"Michael it's okay. I won't tell anyone it happened." I put my hand on Michaels arm trying to comfort him.

"We need to get back to the cabin, we still have hours to kill." Michael shrugs my hand off and walks out of the shower house his bright hair bouncing. I walk out where he was waiting for me.

"You go ahead I actually wanted to go somewhere else." I say walking ahead of him into a different part of the woods. I wanted to go watch the sun duck away behind the sky.

I slowly make my way to the spot where I found my feelings for Calum. I go to sit on the fallen tree where we watched the sun rise. Thinking back to me wanting to be a new me I run my hand under the fallen tree to find Calum's hidden pack of cigarettes. Inside the red and white box held a lighter and some stray cigarettes. I slide a few bucks into the pack so he could buy more.

I didn't care if he found out I was here. I was the one who still cared not him. He gave up on me. I pull a white slender cigarette out of the pack and light it inhaling deeply. I feel the warm sensation go down my throat. I pull it all out of my mouth and look to the cliff. I stood up to get a better look.

The cliff was a massive drop that lead to water at the bottom . The sky was magnificent it had colors spread everywhere. Pink, dark purple yellows and oranges.

"You know that will kill you." I jump at the voice behind me but instantly calm when I see who it was. Calum.

"Sorry I'm on your spot I'll leave." I try to push past him but yet he holds my arm.

"I don't want you to leave, I actually came out here to find you. Michael told me that you wanted to be alone and that you went into the woods. And I knew you'd be here." He reaches his arm out toward the cliff.

"You actually want to talk to me. I thought you hated me." Calum moves to sit on the fallen tree. I follow his lead sitting next to him.

"Yeah, I know I probably overreacted about what you said to me in your cabin and I'm sorry but I don't know what came over me. Well I didn't know at first but I have been thinking about it for the past two weeks. I took what you said to heart. Look, I realized that I really like you Julia."
Calum had his hands in his lap the way I had when we got in trouble by Wanda. Standing up to Wanda didn't make him nervous but talking to me did.

"You don't hate me?" Was all I could manage to say to him

"No, the complete opposite actually." He smiles and his eyes crinkle at the sides. I loved watching him when he was happy. I felt my heart quicken at the mention of Calum's feelings for me.

"Can you be honest with me Julia?" Calum turns to face me. I simply nod.

"How do you feel about me?" Calum asks me and I don't think about it for a second it. My mouth just spills open.

"Calum, you are such a wonderful person and I haven't ever had a crush on someone before and I didn't know what it even felt like until I saw you for the first time and I realized that you were gonna be it." I instinctivly put my head in my hands. I feel a hand on my back.

"Julia look at me." I do as I'm instructed looking up into Calum's eyes. "Can I have another chance?" He starts poking me in my side making me giggle like a small child

"Your first chance never stopped for me." I giggle as Calum stands up and quickly swipes me from the fallen tree making me giggle a little more. He carries me through the woods and doesn't stop until we are back in the shack. He lays me on the couch and quickly climbs on top of me.

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