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I don't remember falling asleep on Calum. I do remember us talking about basically every problem we ever had. I thought I was bad, well Calum was so broken before he started playing his instrument and found his friends. I could tell that he was still dealing with himself.

"We gotta get you back to the cabin if you stay gone for a whole night it's Rebecca's duty to report you." Calum's voice was raspy. When he awoke he woke me up as well. At some point he covered us up. I was warm and felt wanted. I didn't want to go anywhere. I push myself up from the couch anyway.

"I don't wanna." I say sticking my lip out to pout. Calum had stood up and slid his black vans on his feet. I hear him chuckle when he crouches down in front of me like a father comforting a crying child.

"I don't want you to get in trouble." He says pouting his lips to imitate me.

"Calum, I don't wanna walk." I reach my arms out toward him expecting him to laugh at me or tell me to grow up but to my surprise he stands up only to bend down and slide his arms under me. He stands back up and I wrap my legs around his torso.

"You're so lucky that I like you." He says as I burrow my face in his neck. I could get used to this closeness that comes with Calum. I didn't know what it was like to fall for a boy. I have never had a crush on someone that actually breathed. I didn't know how it felt, but I'm pretty sure it felt the way I was right now.

"I really appreciate you Cal." I said as we approached my cabin door. Calum gently put me down I hadn't thought to look at the time, I pulled out my phone and saw it was 3 am. I look at Calum who had shock and fear all over his face, he was looking directly behind me.

"I need you two to come with me immediately." I turned to see Ms Wanda with a hand on her hip. Luke, Ashton and Michael were behind her, My cabin mates were beside them.

"We tried to cover for you guys but they needed you Lian. We didn't know where you were." Ashton says defeat apparent on his face. I remembered what Calum had told me I give him a look of disgust.

"Yes ma'am where are we going?" I say following behind her as she walks away very fast. Calum was beside me I hear his breathing quicken with his steps. Ms Wanda doesn't slow down until we go to the biggest cabin here. She opens the door quickly bidding the campers behind the desk a goodnight. We next turn and go down a dark hallway she opens a door and turns the light on before turning to us

"Both of you have a seat in front of my desk please." Calum and I do as we were told. I sit and place my hands tightly in my lap. I look at Calum who looks as calm as possible whereas I'm sweating and I can feel my heart beating in my chest. Wanda comes to sit in front of us.

"Where were you two?" She calmly asks looking to Calum for the answer. Her face was stone hard and full of authority.

"Julianna didn't want to stay in her cabin and she was upset and I took it upon myself to make sure she felt better I didn't want to leave her alone while she was crying ma'am I know what happens when you're alone with your thoughts." I expected him to lie right off but he was actually telling a version of the truth, I was upset but I didn't want him at all.

"Is that the truth miss joy?" She looks to me, her face had softened a bit. I shake my head yes, she looks. Back to Calum preparing for another question.

"Calum dear where were you?"

"Walking in the woods." He states without any worry

"What if you would'be gotten lost?"

"I spend most of my time in those woods ma'am" he instantly blasts back. Wanda must know Calum pretty well on account of the way her face that was once filled with worry was now completely worry free.

"Now I asked your friends how much time you two have been together and they said you two have been insuperable. What do you guys in those woods?" I can see her tense up preparing herself for an answer That she wasn't going to like.

"We talk, that's all we don't do anything else. What did you think we did?" His face turns up with his mischievous smile.

"Well, Calum I'm sure you know our policy on relationship at this camp. But do you Miss Joy?"

"Can't say I do ma'am." I look back to Calum who had leaned up in his chair and started picking at his nails. How did he act so chill when it came to authority?

"Well, as a camp we don't care about the little 'boyfriend' 'girlfriend' game. We have a curfew that both of you broke, Also you were off of campus with someone of the opposite gender doing God knows what. We just don't want to here about you all hooking up behind the tool shed. If we hear things like rumors about what you guys do that's different but, if we were to catch you in the act of sexual activity your parents will be immediately contacted and you will be sent home. Do you understand?"

"She understands now can you get to the point please? We already told you the truth as to what we were doing and if you don't believe us you can go to hell." Calum sits his elbows up on Wanda's desk looking her dead in the eye.

"Mr. Hood I'm very sick of your disrespect but I've never had a problem from you before and I hope not to have any more problems from you okay? As for the punishment of being out past curfew with an opposite gender and being off of campus I'm going to have to ask you two to stay away from each other physically for three days . Mr Hood you have dish duty at lunch and dinner time and Miss Joy are to stay in your cabin at all times for said three days. You may now go back to your cabins Now are there any questions? follow my rules and everything will be swell."

"But we are cabin buddies what are we supposed to do?" Calum raises a brow.

"You both are to stay in your respective cabins all day until lunch and dinner Calum you will eat the food someone will bring then you will go wash the dishes."

"How will you know we stay in our cabins?" Calum looks at her clearly attempting to plan something.

"Julia area you friends with Calums group of boys?" Wanda asks me ignoring Calum's last question.

"Yes ma'am I am why?" I look at Calum watching Wanda intently.

"Pick which friend watches you what day, I am not a mean person and I will let you have some say in your punishment." Was this women really letting me pick my wardens? And of all people the boys?

"Um it is three days? So which ever wants to 'watch' me that day I suppose." I say bringing air quotes to my sentence. Wanda looks back to Calum

"That is how I know you will be in your cabin. If you two are seen together your parents will be contacted and you may get sent home Mr. Hood do not question my authority. I am giving you a lax punishment because I like you two please don't change that." She stands from behind her desk and opens her door gesturing us out.

"Can I at least walk her to her cabin?" Calum spats and Wanda simply nods her head.

Just finished The Death Cure I am so offended . if you all haven't read the maze runner series I HIGHLY recommend it. Mainly because Newt and Minho are my little babies. I mean Thomas was too. But They are all really hot in the movies. And. I have a thing for the little asian boys okay? Yeah anyway thanks

Don't forget



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