11: Calum

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I try to avoid eye contact with him. Ashton sensing the tension stands up the others follow.

"Alright let's go get some lunch then." Calum walks away first not saying anything to any of us. Ashton follows behind him and Michael next. Luke stays behind with me for a few seconds.

" He is such a baby. I can't deal with his mood swings." I say looking ahead of me. Luke turns to me with an icey look in his eyes.

"How about you stop being self centered and try to actually learn about what he is going through?" Luke turns and walks away from me. I had lost my appetite completely, feeling defeated I decide I want to go back to the cabin. My cabin. I wanted to be alone.


I had walked back rather quickly. When I arrived no one was home thank God.I instantly climbed into my bed and snuggled tightly into my covers.

I felt like such a bad person. What did Luke mean by what he is going through? Well that means I was right about assuming that there was something off with Calum. I came to this stupid camp to make friends.

I'd been here a little over 24 hours and I met 3 boys who seemed grand. I'd met Lauren who was so sweet. I'd met Becca who was smart and genuine. And then there was Calum. He was always the exception. He was sweet and caring when he needed to be. Then he was this huge jerk that was moody and acted like a baby. He was needy. He was so cute though , he had a great body.

I'd spent most of my time here so far with him. I had a feeling the rest of my time here would be similar as well. I had 29 days left. 29 days and I may never see any of them again. I'd go home and mom would home school me again. My life would return to normal and so would theirs. I feel my eyes getting filled with tears.

I didn't know exactly why I was crying. I think it was a combination of things. Me being so insensitive to Calum. Not worrying about anyone else except myself. I missed my parents. I wanted to make friends without problems. I always had problems. Maybe I needed to calm down and try to rest my eyes.


"Lian?" I open my eyes to see Ashton looking at me. I feel more bodies around me.

"Why are you here?" I say closing my eyes again trying to make them go away with my thoughts. I still don't want anyone around.

"We noticed you disappeared and then we came here and found you asleep and- have you been crying? Your eyes are red and puffy looking" He climbs into my bed and sits next to my pillow. I feel his hand wrap around my arm as he easily pulls me into a sitting position.

"Of course not. My allergies were messing with me. So I decided to take a nap." I say looking around my cabin to see all of the boys there. Including Calum who was looking at me with a mixture of hurt and worry plastered on his face. There wasn't anything wrong with me. I was perfectly fine I was just upset at the moment.

"Well, Calum was wondering if he could spend some time with you." Ashton looks at me then back to his friend. I could tell that all of the boys worried about Calum. They all treated him like he was a piece of glass that would shatter at any moment.

"I was wondering if you could all stay?" I didn't want to be alone with him right now. I needed a while without his confrontation. I hear Luke sigh and Michael giggle.

"Well, we can't stay because we um have plans that Calum isn't involved in. And you aren't either sorry Lian." I feel my face drop. I knew that I wasn't one of the guys but to be completely dropped from plans altogether. I don't want to look up because I don't want them to see the disappointment on my face. What was I thinking that they actually had the time for me? Thinking that they would ever care for me.

"But, Calum wants to stay with you. We would but we can't sorry."

"I DON'T WANT TO STAY WITH CALUM! GET OUT" I scream at the top of my lungs making Ashton jump. Luke looks at me with an upset look. Michael looks at the door before walking toward it. Luke walks out after Michael. I try to steady my breathing as Ashton climbs down ladder without saying another word and he walks out of the cabin.

That leaves Calum and me. Alone. Like I didn't want. His eyes were locked on me. I looked at him. Complete silence filled the room. I felt my eyes fill with tears again. Calum instantly climbs up and sits in my bed as the dam of my tears break once more. I feel his arms reach out and grab mine.f.

He pulls me into his chest while I cry on him. His hands go to my hair. He whispers soothing sounds to me as I whimper.

"Who did it?" He whispers into the top of my head.

"Me. I did Calum. I'm sorry I'm so insensitive. All I wanted was friends and I guess Ashton just wanted to be nice for a while and now they don't want to be friends with me anymore. They made plans and didn't want me involved." I keep my face in his chest. He smelled very pleasant and I took a deep breathe in bring in his scent.

"Julia look at me." Calum gently pulls my face from his chest and I look into his eyes.

"I told them not to invite you. From what I know of you Julia, you don't want to be around them for what they are doing." He says moving a piece of hair from my eyes.

"What are they doing?" I ask gently.

"Right about know they're probably picking some girls to get drunk and then fuck with and after that never call them back."

Oh it's true.
They are fuckers.
Don't forget



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