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I wake up to my phone vibrating. I look down my phones clock says that it is 4:00am. 4 hours of sleep that's great. I read the message that I had received.

Calum: hey on my way, get your shower clothes together if you still want to. If not I understand.

I look outside he was right it was still very dark outside. I try my best to quietly climb down my ladder and get a pair of dark leggings and a long white shirt. I hear a light tap on the cabin door. I go and gently pull it open revealing a sleepy looking Calum in front of me. I motion him in while I grab my makeup bag.

I glance at him from the corner of my eye. He is watching me intently. He didn't even take a second glance at any of the girls in here. I pick up my bag and put my clothes under my arm.

"You good to go?" He whispers raising an eyebrow I nod at him. He turns on his heels and walks out of the cabin I follow closely behind him. We enter the darkness of the night when he turns to me.

"How fast can you shower and be ready?" His plump lips contort into a smile. Was he in a hurry? He didn't have to come get me, I could've went alone. I didn't need his help or pity.

"Look, you don't have to do this. You can do whatever you want I don't need your help." I coldly state looking in his eyes. The light that was just in them left completely.

"I wanted to. I wanted to do something with you this morning. Sorry." I instantly feel like a major bitch.

"No it's totally my fault. I can be ready in fifteen minutes." I try to make eye contact with him but now he just nods and walks forward. Pushing me away completely. We walk In silence to the shower houses. We both go in Calum had gotten clothes from somewhere. I went into a shower and wash what needed to be washed. I got out and towelled off before getting dressed.

I still heard water running which meant Calum wasn't done yet. I quickly dryed my hair and put minimal makeup on. I saw Calum in the mirror he had his skinny jeans on but he hadn't put a shirt on yet. He was toned, he had a flat stomach and a nice bit of abs. His skin color was different from my own. He had a tanner complection.

I see him looking at me, well not my face exactly I see his eyes toward my outfit. I turn around and I see him smile at me. He walks toward me pulling a shirt on over his head.

"You clean up nice." He nods his head toward my outfit.

"Thanks you do too. So where are we going?" He shrugs his shoulders and turns around to walk in front of me. I put my clothes in my cabins hamper and run to catch up with Calum.

It was still dark outside. You could tell the sun would be coming up soon. This morning was pretty brisk. I felt cold chills raise up on my arms. I felt Calum take a step toward me. His body heat coming to me. He turned into the woods. The shack. That is probably where we are going.

"Are we going to the cabin?" I ask looking at Calum he only nods. His eyes brows were furrowed together, he was chewing at the inside of his cheek. He was lost in deep thought and once again I wished I could read his thoughts. We walk past the shack and go quite a bit further before I see an opening in the trees and nothing after it.

"Here we are." Calum says walking to the opening and sits on a fallen tree patting the place next to him. I take him up on his offer and sit next to him. I look out the sun was peaking over the horizon. The sky was beautiful shades of pink,yellow and blue. I look back to Calum, who now had a cigarette pack in his hand staring at the sun ahead of us. I watch him as he pulls a cigarette out from the pack and bringing it to his lips.

Seconds later the lighter comes up revealing its tiny flame. He looks at me his eyes turn upward with his lips.

"You know that will kill you right?" I look at his mouth sucking in the toxic chemicals only to blow them back out.

"Only if I'm lucky." His face stays serious. No hint of sarcasm.

"What do you mean?" I look at him. His collarbones protruding from his loose shirt, his cheeks protrude when he inhales another drag.

"Julianna dear, I don't do it for fun. I do it to get results. Everything I do, I expect results." I feel him scoot closer to me on the fallen tree. I feel his hand on my arm causing chills to form from his cold touch. I don't know what words to say. I don't want to pester him about his thoughts. I look back out into the vast sky before me.

"Do you remember what I said the other night?" Calum asks me.

"Which thing?" I keep my eyes before me.

"About you staying away from me? About you not being my friend?" I see him looking at me in my peripheral vision. I feel myself get prepared for the mental whiplash that I just know is coming.

"What about it?"

"How do you do it?" He asks coldly.

"Do what?"

"Make it so hard to stay away from you?" I look at him, he is looking at me his brown eyes staring into my own. What ever he does has such a hold on me. I feel a need to be around him. To protect him. To hold him. But yet he hates me.

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