18: Last Night

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"Promise you'll call me then?"

His brown eyes burning into my own. The boy I'd fallen so hard for. Calum was the most important friend I'd made at band camp this year and I couldn't wait to go back next year. Sure I'd grown to love Ashton and his goofiness. Michael and his attitude, last and kind of least Luke and his fuckboyness. Sure I had the most fun as possible and yeah I stayed longer than a week but I'm so glad I did.

"Of course Cal, trust me there is no way i'm gonna forget the only three friends I managed to make in two months." I look down at our hands, his fingers intertwined with my own. His moving constantly this is the only way I can see how much he is struggling with this being the last night here.

"Wait three? Even Luca? I thought you didn't like him" he wiggles his eyebrows making me laugh even bringing a snort. Causing him to go into a fit of laughter. Only for a few seconds until he gets serious again.

"Lian, I want to thank you for not giving up on me when I was rude to you." Our hands break apart as he shifts in front of me, letting the moonlight kiss his eyelashes, bathe his skin. I wish I could read his thoughts. He was always fighting himself.

"I was determined to make friends and Ash told me that you were difficult which made me hungry to become your friend." He brings his forehead to mine. I can smell the familiar scent of the mint gum he always has. I can feel the warmth of his breath mixing with my own. I wish that I could close the gap between us, not only physically but emotionally as well. I look at my hands.

There is something about liking someone who hates them self. Jokes are different because you don't want hurt them or say something wrong. Something about contact, its like they are so fragile that if the wind blows the wrong way they will break. And I'm only saying this because it is so fucking hard.

"What are you thinking so hard about?" I look up into his eyes.


The one word sets him off, he closes the gap between us. His lips landing on mine. I close my eyes .He uses his lips to part mine slightly, only enough to let his tounge slip through. I feel one of his hands come up to my face, his fingers graze my cheek. The other hand I feel on the back of my neck pushing me further into him. Deepening the kiss I open my eyes back up only to meet Calums eyes looking at me.

"Fucking finally. Good job Hood." Calum quickly breaks his lips from mine. My hands instantly move to my tingling lips. I turn around to see Ash, Luke and Michael smiling like proud parents who just watched their child walk across the stage to graduate. My gaze moves from them to Calum I can see his face is flushed despite the darkness.

"Shut up Mikey. Please?" Ashton hits him in the shoulder. As Luke sits next to Calum giving him a pat on the back. The other two sit next to him still smiling widely.

"Hood, it took you two months to finally kiss her? Wow you move slow." Michael teases, this time receiving a punch from Calum in the ribcage. Making all of us laugh.
Ashton moves closer to me laying his hand on my shoulder.

"So how are you guys gonna make this work when you have to leave tomorrow to be homeschooled again?"
I feel all of the boys put their attention on me. Of course I'd thought of this, I didn't want to get Calum attached to me just to leave him high and dry. I cared about him so much more than I thought I could.

"Well I was hoping that we could all hang out. Ya know do stuff as a group and stay friends ." I drop my voice. "and I don't know maybe. I'll . go. To . public .school?" I feel myself get shoved.

"Really? That means you'll go to our school. What made you change your mind? I hope it isn't only because you like Calum because that is kind of stupid" Luke blurts without any remorse.

"Yes I'll go to your school. No, I'm not only going because I like Calum. I decided I wanted to stay homeschooled because I didn't think anyone would ever accept me, and you guys did so maybe that means I can make other friends as well." I didn't think that I would say that out loud. I didn't think that two months becoming friends with four stupid teenage boys would impact me so much.

One is a stoner that plays the guitar 10 times better when he's high. He may not look like much but he is a great person inside and out. Another is a joker that spends every waking second tapping his hands or fingers or feet on any available space. But he has the biggest heart I've ever witnessed.

Another is a singer and guitarist who is way to concerned with his hair and how many girls he can sleep with to care about anyone's feelings other than his friends. Which I'm happy to now be included. The last one is a boy who is so shy and displeased with his life that he pushes everyone else away. The last one is a boy who is so beautiful and broken that deserves all of the stars in the sky. I may not be able to give him that but I can try my hardest and get as damn close as I can.


So here you beautiful b's go. I hope you enjoyed my first relatively good book.

So what do you guys think?

Don't forget



Recommed to your homies



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