Fubuki x Reader (part 1) ~snowdays

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- no warnings needed here :)  also this one shot will be in POV form but I will alternate between different styles in my other one shots.
Please enjoy my first oneshot :D

(Your POV)
I rubbed the sleep out of my eyes as the blaring sound of the alarm clock carried on ringing in my head.
I sighed frustratedly, and threw off the duvet as I tiptoed across the cold wooden floor to turn it off -'6:30'? 
"But it's a weekend!"
I practically shouted at no one in particular.

I was just about to dive back inside my warm cacoon , when something caught my eye.

Out of the crack of the curtain I could faintly make out a bright light. I pulled it open to get a better look, and smiled at myself contently - the first snowfall of the year.

Winter was always my favourite season (sorry if it isn't ) , the ruthless nature of it, but also the beauty that it gives. Even though I'm not the biggest fan of the cold, I will always bear it just to hear the crunch of snow under foot, or the wonderful vastness that it creates.

I'm still a child at heart.

Thinking now a good opportunity to seize the day, I turned on my bedroom light and proceeded towards the bathroom.

Brushing my teeth, and then washing my face , being careful not to wake anyone else up in the house, I stared at my reflection in the mirror and pushed a stray lock of hair out of my face.

I brushed my /colour/ /style/ /length/ hair and tied it up into a simple ponytail. I walked back into my bedroom, and opened the wardrobe, and put on some warm clothes.

Satisfied with my appearance, I grabbed my things and headed down the hallway before knocking on my parent's door.

"Mum, dad, I'm just gonna head out in the back garden for a bit"
I was met with a soft muffling sound but took that as an 'okay'.

Upon opening the fridge I decided that I should probably go out and buy some groceries too.

The brisk January air gave me chills as I pulled my coat closer around me, as I continued to build my fourth snowman- although they looked more like snow blobs since they didn't have any features!
"Oohhh, my hands are freezing already, I thought I could hold out for a little longer at least!"

Sighing, I went back inside to make some hot chocolate- the best thing to have on days like this, if I do say so myself.

(Time skip to around noon -ish)

I gave a triumphant smile at my snow army in front of me- now if I've demons attacked, I'd be more than prepared!

I need to get out more...

I grabbed my keys and walked out the front door towards the bus stop. As I waited for what seemed like hours, I saw a boy about the same age as me , with beautiful grey- blue eyes and grey hair.

He was standing rather timidly at the opposite bus stop, wrapped up in a navy blue coat and scarf.

He smiled at me pleasantly and I smiled back slightly out of curiosity.

It wasn't until a while later though that I started to get a little freaked out by his presence- he had been staring at me for a good 10 minutes- I could tell, because my peripheral vision is a boss!

Anyway, I tried to ignore the guy, whilst still waiting rather impatiently for the God damn bus before I spotted him walking towards me.

Oh no, what if he's like a physchopath or something, and I'm his prey, there's practically no one out here to witness my death. I mean he doesn't look too dodgy but they always say it's the silent ones that get ya!...

My rambling was interrupted by the boy giving me a quizzical look.

"Umm I was just wondering if you'd realised that the buses aren't running today?" The boy said, his blue eyes looking into my /colour/ ones.

"Wait what?" I asked confusedly

"The snow is too thick for the buses to get through you see" he stated with a small smile on his face as his feet shuffled around in the snow.
I sighed frustratedly thinking how stupid I must have looked waiting for a bus that was never going to arrive.

"So how come you only decided to let me now this now!" I joked, laughing to myself slightly - for some reason I just found it really easy to get on with the guy.

"U-uh I'm sorry, I was just distracted so I forgot to mention it.." The boy said quietly, a rose tinted blush creeping slowly onto his cheeks.

I also began to go red- although that could just be down to the cold nipping at my cheeks, the silence slowly encroaching on us.

"Oh I'm Fubuki by the way-"
"I'm /first name/!" I almost shouted

"Ah, that's such a beautiful name.." He muttered under his breath almost loud enough for me to hear, but not quite.

"Well, I should probably be heading back now, it was nice meeting you though." I smiled as I turned around to walk back. Just as I did so though, he gently grabbed my sleeve.
I spun around to be met once again with his warm eyes.

"Umm, if you want.. We can walk into town.. Together, since I'm guessing that's where you were heading.. Umm also I know a shortcut there.." His eyes never left mine as he blushed again.

It was my turn to blush now.

"Umm sure.. Okay.. I guess we could do that.." I replied as the delicate snowflakes started to fall all around me..


So there this is my first one shot and it was kinda long , hence why I had to make it a part 1 of 2 - so yeah

I hope you liked if anyway though- Fubuki is so cute ^^


Inazuma Eleven one shots and AU'sDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora