Nosaka x Nishikage~

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Characters: Nosaka Yuuma, Nishikage Seiya
From: Inazuma Eleven Ares/Orion

Kind of a Univeristy/ College AU?

I think this ship is really cute ^^

" ...You're always up for trying new things anyway."


Nishikage hadn't  really been listening to a word Nosaka had said. It seemed that every time the boy talked, he got lost in those beautiful eyes, and that beautiful face, and that soft soft hair and-

Tired eyes strained over the laptop light.
"I was saying-" Nosaka added with a slight huff "- that once I finish this paper  we should go to that new Korean place in town."

Nishikage sighed. Every time the two of them went out, Nosaka managed to get the other to try some new crazy food. If it wasn't mountains of chilli flavoured ice cream, it was some weird prickly vegetables that Nosaka himself definitely would not eat. And if that wasn't enough, the red head might just volunteer the other to compete in some crazy food eating challenge.
Nishikage did not like the idea of being a test dummy again. But then again, he noticed that it always seemed to make the other happy and at least this way he could always keep an eye on him.

You could say that Nishikage was a little overprotective.
You could even call him clingy.

He himself did not see it like that of course.

As he sat perched on the end of the red heads bed, his mind drifted to the events of the night ahead.

"Yes, I got in." The red head muttered under his breathe.

"Hmm?" The other boy asked, moving closer to the other. He knew that his friend was probably excited about something, although his demeanour and somewhat un-enthusiastic voice would usually suggest otherwise.

Nishikage prided himself on always knowing what his friend was really thinking and feeling, having been able to study him closely over the years.
The pair were almost inseparable, both giving off a calm and collected vibe, and although Nishikage might come off as a bit emotionless and distant at first, his friend was always the happier of the two, but never in an over the top way- just merely content. Needless to say, the phrase 'Yes, I got in' was still something to enquire about.

Nosaka leaned against his friend lightly, to which Nishikage happily obliged. He was used to being close with the other.
The red head pointed his finger at his laptop screen.

"I got in." He repeated. "- it was my first choice as well." He smiled lightly and the other looked at him, opening his mouth and then shutting it again, as if he was about to say something and then had decided against it. Nishikage had always been the quieter one of the two, preferring to stare at others and silently judge them with a look that made people know he was not to be messed with.

The red head looked up at him, but decided not to press him on the matter- he clearly had nothing to say.
"Well at least this will take some added stress off. Now I can focus on passing my exams."
He paused.
Closing the laptop lid, he shuffled his body slightly so that he was no longer leaning on the boy.
The taller boy missed the feeling.

"I'm really happy for you. You deserve it, really." The taller boy said with a somewhat lacklustre voice, shifting his weight on the chair as he did so. He didn't like this. His best friend going off to university, leaving him behind.

Best friend? No. Nosaka surely only saw him as a mere companion, a chaperone, a bodyguard?
Nosaka had an attractiveness about him that made people want to be around him.  He was cool, but not in an annoying, over the top way, more so he seemed the kind of guy that you could just lose yourself listening to. There was a certain elegance and tranquility in the way he spoke, and the way he made the faintest of smiles when something amused him. Nishikage had heard the  polite laughs and seen the way he would furrow his brows and slightly part his lips when deep in thought. He had never heard him laugh though, like genuinely laugh.

Inazuma Eleven one shots and AU'sDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora