Morning routine Headcannons and Tag~

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Because why the hell not.
This is just a Headcannon, characters do not belong to me etc..

1) Endou
Ignores his alarm for the fifth time before actually getting up.
Sings Justin Bieber songs in the shower like a boss. Brushes his teeth and combs his hair back before scrapping that idea and putting on his orange head band instead.
Recites the 'saka yarouze' mantra in his head about 15 times before picking out random clothes and bolting downstairs for breakfast.

2) Kazemaru
Wakes up when his alarm goes off, sits in bed for like 5 minutes contemplating whether or not he should just cut all his hair off or not.
Decides against this, showers and washes his hair. Spends the next 10 minutes blowdrying his hair, then 30 minutes combing and de-tangling.
Brushes teeth whilst contemplating an outfit.

3) Midorikawa
Body clock so fine tuned he doesn't even need an alarm.
Probably sings in the shower to be honest.
Has motivational posters up EVERYWHERE.
Same hair care routine as Kaze, because of the long hair struggles.
Brushes teeth etc- picks out an outfit that Hiroto would like *wink wink*

4) Fubuki
Don't need no alarm to wake his ass up.
Showers, but kinda just stares at the plug hole creepily- probably contemplating pre-meditated murder or whether Dolphins are fish or mammals.
Spends a lot of his time preening and looking perf- that hair doesn't fluff itself you know.
Already has his outfit picked out the night before.

5) Gouenjii
Bashes his alarm clock after it has gone off the third time.
Goes to check on Yuuka-she's fine, sighs in relief.
Does his hair whilst brushing his teeth (he's good at multitasking).
Waits for everyone else to wake up before he has his breakfast.

6) Suzuno
Wakes up an hour before his alarm clock goes off because his body clock fine-tuned as hell. Sits in bed contemplating whether or not he should just confess his love for Nagumo.
Decides against this.
Takes a bath since he has the time. Changes his outfit from the one he chose the night before because he doesn't trust his judgement at night.

7) Nagumo
Wakes up to his stomach yelling 'Feed me!'.
Stumbles out of bed realising he overslept AGAIN.
Rushes to put some clothes on and brush his hair whilst frantically wondering if he should just confess to Suzuno or not.
Decides against this.
Almost falls down the stairs when running to grab some breakfast.

8) Hiroto
Wakes up to music on his phone and starts singing along really loudly and really out of tune, much to the annoyance of everyone else. Sings in the shower; whilst brushing his teeth, whilst blow drying his hair, styling it etc.. -this is usually all done an hour or so before everyone else gets up- but he still manages to wake them up with all the noise.
Gets dressed and then proceeds to wake everyone else up if they weren't already awake from his awful singing at stupid-o'clock-in-the-morning.

I'll do everyone else later •3•
I think I will also put this tag in here..

Tagged by twins101
Here we go ~~~~

1) Cats or dogs?
Some dogs are okay...but they all seem to hate me -_-
I'm gonna go with Cats.

2) Favourite Vocaloid song?
Hmm I like a lot, but maybe; School of true love, Meltdown, Witch, Just Be Friends, anything by Gumi.... The list goes on

3) Top 3 IE ships?
1) Tsunami x Tachimukai
2) Hiroto x Midorikawa
3) Suzuno x Nagumo
The list does indeed go on though...

4) Name 3 British things
1) Queuing
2) Apologising
3) Complaining about the weather (as a Brit I can confirm this -_-)

5) Cake or Ice Cream?
Some cake is nice, some ice cream is nice. I'm gonna say both.

6) Favourite colour?
Green or purple or turquoise, I can't decide -_-

7) Favourite sports anime other than IE?
Why you do this to me? I'm an indecisive person!
*totally ignores the question and recommends some instead*
-Prince of Stride Alternative
-Yuri on ice!!!
-Run with the wind

8) Recommend an anime
So many choices, so little time... I'm gonna say, HUNTER X HUNTER (2011 version)
It's kinda violent though •3• but other than that, I love it!

9) What do you think of Toramorou?
You mean misunderstood cutie patootie cinnamon roll that just wanted to impress his senpais whilst looking after his mum and the shop? Yeah he's alright.

10) Real life or Internet? 
Umm.... Real life and Internet...

Time for my questions~
1)Would you rather Live in same world as your favourite characters, or have your favourite characters live in this world.

2) What's your favourite animal? I is curious •3•

3) Would you rather go a year without anime or a year without your favourite foods?

4) *totally steals this from @ twins101* What is your opinion on Tobitaka?

5) If you could, what country would you move to?

6)What do you think of the movie inception? -if you haven't seen it, go watch it!

7) Who would you back in a fight, Hinata ( Haikyuu) or Rin (Free)
-if you don't know them, suggest someone else ^^

8) Name an awesome fanfic for yours truly to check out ^^

9)Who should be shipped with Fubuki? *gets the cannons ready*

10) Do you know the ship, Cecilos?? And what are your views on it? •3•

I tag twins101 PikoPikoInterwebs ArimaMary noreenbaluyot BookishKyla

*crawls back into the hole from whence I came*

Inazuma Eleven one shots and AU'sDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora