Chapter 22: Why is she so quiet???

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A/N this chapter will be in the POV's of Tony, Steve, Clint, Bruce, and Loki. Then it will be in Caroline's POV. This chapter is going to be really long so grab a drink and a snack. Proceed with caution with this chapter. You'll see why when you read it. Enjoy!!!!!!!!

Tony's POV

Caroline, Loki, and Thor are coming home today and I'm so happy that they are coming home. Jane sent me a picture of Caroline and Loki slow dancing with each other. I gotta show everyone. I looked around got Bruce first and of course he's in the lab.

"Oh Bruce I have to show you something." I said

"What is it Tony?" He asked

"Jane sent me a picture of Caroline and Loki slowing dancing with each other." I said

"Let me see." He said and I showed him the picture.

"Wow and awwwww. She looks so happy." He said

"I know. Do you know where Steve is? I have to show him this." I asked

"I don't know maybe the training room." He said

"Of course." I said and left the lab.

Bruce's POV

Well at least Caroline looks happy. I was so sad that she was so upset. She has become my best friend the past few months. Well she's become everyone's best friend by now. I wish I could have cheered her up but at least she's happy again.

Tony's POV again

I walked into the training room to find Steve there. This is really no surprise he's always in here whenever he has free time.

"Hey Steve I have a picture to show you." I said

"What is it?" He said

"Here this will explain everything." Is aid while handing him the phone.

"She's finally happy." He said while smiling.

"I know I'm happy that she's happy. So do you know where Clint is? I have to show him this." I said

"I don't know. I'll help you find him." He said and I nodded.

Steve's POV

Im glad that Caroline is happy. She has become like a sister to me and I hated seeing her so upset over Peter and Natasha. I'm just glad that she's finally happy even if it's with Loki.

Tony's POV again

"Hey Clint we need to show you something." I said

"What is it now Tony?" Clint asked annoyed.

"See this picture for yourself." I said while handing him the phone.

"Ok. This is very interesting." He said

"Yes it is." Steve said

Clint's POV

I'm happy that she's finally happy. Peter and Natasha were getting annoying after a while. Sometime I just want to punch them but I don't because I don't want them to be mad at me. Caroline has become my best friend the past few months.

Tony's POV again

"See." I said

"Yes I do." He said

"What time is Caroline,Thor, and Loki supposed to be back?" Steve said. I heard a thump from upstairs.

"I think their back." I said

"Yeah I think so too." Clint said

Loki's POV

What I find weird is that Caroline hasn't been talking for the past day and a half. I don't know what is going on with her but I'm going to find out. When we got back Caroline just walked out of the room which I find really weird.

"What's up with her?" Thor asked

"i have no idea brother but we are going to find out." I said

"What is going on with Caroline. When I said hi to her she just kept on walking." Tony said

"I don't know . She hasn't been talking the past day and a half." Thor said

"Don't worry Tony we are going to find out what's wrong with her." I said

"Thanks Loki." He said

"Your welcome." I said

Caroline's POV

"Caroline I need to talk to you." Loki said 

"What do you want Loki?" I asked 

"Why are you so quiet?" He asked 

"Because your father told me to never see or talk to you again. You see I can't do that I care about you to much and I think I'm in love with you." I said 


 What will happen? Does he love her too? Find out Yay I finally updated this story I hope you enjoyed this chapter.

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