Chapter Twenty-Six

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Maya POV


I grab some towels and a few band-aids since I didn't have a first aid kit at home.

I also grab some alchohal that I found in a cabinet.

I put some on the towel amd lightly dab his nose.

I see him wince a little.

"Why won't you tell me what happened?" I ask frowning.

"You'll think it's stupid", he manages to mutter back.

"I won't. Now will you tell me?" I ask still cleaning him up.

He sighs and tilts his head a little.

"Okay so Billy and I were wondering about who can get a kiss from you first." He mumbles.

"That's all?" I ask cocking an eyebrow.

He nods his head and avoids making eye contact with me.

I sigh and put the towel down.

"Well, no one won." I say with a small smile.

He nods his head and looks down at the floor.

I lightly grab his face and kiss him.

Once it's finished, he looks up at me with a shocked expression.

I give him a genuine smile.

"There you go, winner." I say with a slight laugh.

He laughs too and pulls me in for a hug.

I don't hold back and hug back.

We break apart and I finish cleaning him up.

"Thanks Maya." He says as he's about to leave.

"No problem." I say with a slight smile.

"And next time, just tell me what happened. Stupid or not, we're still friends." I tell him.

He nods his head and pulls me in for another hug.

I hug back and once we break apart, he gives me a small smile and walks out the door.

And I stand in my home.

Grinning like an idiot.


Whoop whoop I updated today

I know this was short and sucked but I have homework to do and this was a quick write

I'm gonna go read some books so ✌

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