People Like You

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A/N This story contains 859 words

Olivia sat alone in her room looking through the old memories of them. Pictures filled with happiness, large smiles were on their faces. Now the happiness had faded in real life, instead replaced with anger and disappointment. Fights and arguments had torn them apart. Now living their own lives, away from the other. Not another word had been spoken since that day that they last saw one another.

When she finished looking at a photo that gave her an old memory to remember she put it in the brown box she had. The box contained all the items he had ever given her, all the things that reminded her of him. It had been a 5 months since their last fight, the one that ended the 2 year relationship. Olivia decided it was time to finally move on and realise he wasn't ever coming back. Her friends had been nagging her for months to forget him, it was time she listened. It was time to forget and move on from him, start caring about her life again. Olivia's first step to forgetting him was getting rid of anything that reminded her of him. She had been at it for 2 hours and it looked as though she had barely started. Every item brought back a memory that she sat and played in her mind. It would be a process to rid him from her mind but she was ready for the challenge.

After another 2 hours of packing away memories Olivia heard her phone buzz. There was a text on the screen. When she picked up the phone and saw the contact she dropped it causing the phone screen to crack a little. She covered her mouth with her hands. Why now? What could he possibly want from her now after all this time? Grabbing her phone from the ground cautiously as if it were the plaque she opened the message.

Him-Can we talk?

Olivia stared blankly at the screen, what should she text back? What could he possibly want? Not to get back together, he couldn't. He made it very clear to her when he left that he never wanted anything to do with her again. Ideas of what to send flooded her mind. What harm would it do to agree to talk? She was about to reply saying yes when it struck her. Her friend Andie had warned her of this happening.

Andie stood with Olivia and put her arm around her shoulders. "If he ever texts and ask to talk or get back together don't fall for it. He's just desperate don't fall for it please?" Olivia nodded and promised.
Flashback Over

He was desperate, it had finally happened. He was so desperate he had to try to come crawling back to Olivia. The girl he never wanted to see again, the girl he said he hated. Yet here he was crawling on his knees to her. It was in that moment of realising this that Olivia knew exactly what to send back. She sent two different messages one right after the other.

Olivia-People like you, always want back, the love they pushed aside.
Olivia-But people like me, are gone forever, when you say goodbye.

After sending the messages she went and grabbed her now full box of items. She headed towards the door and dumped the box down. Olivia went and grabbed her keys off the bench and took the box downstairs to her car. She put the box in the back and drove to the dump. She thought about giving it back to him but knew she couldn't face him. Instead she decided to throw it all away, so the dump was where she went. After dropping it off there Olivia went home and called Andie. "Hey Andie I've cleaned out my place, not a trace of Zach." "I'm proud of you, want to get out and have some fun?" "Sure, meet you at your place in half an hour." "See you then."

Olivia rushed off to get ready and then drove over to Andie's. They organised for their other friends to come. It was officially girls night, no boyfriends to be seen and no remembering old ones. For the first time since the break-up Olivia felt like she didn't need a guy to be happy. She was content with just her friends and a good night out.

Little did Olivia know that as she was dancing the night away and drinking with her friends that he was sitting at home thinking of her. Zach read her texts over and over, really taking in the words. After all this time he realised that it was wrong to do what he did to her. She didn't deserve it, he wanted her back. But after that message he knew he wouldn't ever get her. He lost her all from a stupid mistake.

Olivia was long gone, dancing the night away, having a ball with her friends. She was slowly forgetting all about him, every memory they shared began fading till nothing remained and he was gone. Erased from her mind forever.

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