First Christmas

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A/N This story has 653 words.

The white snow fell outside our window, it lay on the ground covering it like a blanket. I looked at my alarm clock-8:30am. I turned my body to face Ben who was still sound asleep. His head pushed into the pillow, his arms underneath. I giggled at his sleeping position, it certainly didn't look comfortable. Gently I nudged him only to get a groan in reply. I nudged him again, the same reply was heard. I lay down again in bed and moved closer to him, I leaned against him and kissed his cheek. I saw his eyes flutter ever so slightly. I kissed him again and this time his eyes opened. "Morning sleepy-head." He blinked a few times, his eyes still adjusting to the light. "Morning." His voice was still groggy from sleep.  "What time is it Grace?" "8:30, I thought we should get up now. You know since it's Christmas." He suddenly had some energy. He sat up in bed and pulled me to sit on his lap. "Well then, Merry Christmas beautiful." He kissed me softly then hugged me. "Merry Christmas to you to babe." We stayed like that for a few minutes but then we broke apart. "I'm surprised the kids haven't woken us up yet." "Yeah"

Then as if right on queue, Xavier ran into the room with our little black Labrador Bucksley trailing behind. "Mummy, daddy, it's Christmas, it's Christmas!" He jumped all over out bed, it was so adorable to watch him. Bucksley came over it my side of the bed and looked up at me with his little black eyes. "Hey Bucks." I leaned down and patted the puppy, we only got him 2 months ago. When I sat back up straight I saw that Ben had grabbed Xavier and was tickling him to death. Xavier's giggled filled the house, I smiled and laughed a little myself. That was until I heard the loud crying of my little baby. I quickly got up and rushed into the nursery, Ruby lay in her cot making a fuss. I picked her up and cradled her in my arms. "Ssh Ruby, ssh it's ok. Mummy's got you, ssh bubba." I rocked her back and forth until her crying seized and she was quiet once more. Her beautiful little blue eyes looked up at me, she was so gorgeous. I carried her back to my room and sat down on the bed. By now Ben and Xavier were on the floor wrestling. "Hm hum." I cleared my throat and both boys immediately got up off the floor. "Yes mummy?" Xavier crawled across the bed and then sat in front of me. "I know you're having fun bubba but can you keep it down a little. You know Ruby doesn't like loud noises." He nodded and held Ruby's hand. He leant closer to her and whispered, "sorry Ruby." He kissed her forehead and sat back up straight again. I smiled and hugged him.

After Xavier defeated Ben in a bedroom wrestling riot we all went out to the living room. Xavier rushed over to the tree and saw many shining presents all wrapped up. He was bouncing around everywhere with excitement. Ben and I followed behind him, I went and sat on the lounge with Ruby while Ben helped our son unwrap his toys. Each time a new present was unwrapped Xavier's smile grew. It was so wonderful to watch him this happy. Ruby started to become restless and wouldn't stop wriggling, I assumed she wanted to join the excitement. I sat on the floor and let her crawl around. I even helped her open her little presents.

It truly was the best Christmas I'd ever had. Watching my new little family having fun was the best thing I could ask for. Our first Christmas as a complete family was perfect. Nothing could ever top this.

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