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A/N This story has 623 words. It is not a OUAT story!!

I walked along, being careful not to stray too far from the sidewalk. As I walked the memories came back and haunted me again. I promised for the first time since it happened that I wouldn't make the same mistake again. I felt tears building up at the thought of you but held them back since I remembered tears are weakness in your eyes.

From that day on I've always played on the safe side just so I don't get hurt. I find it harder to trust not only me but everyone around me. How can I trust anyone after what you put me through. You never thought about how you were affecting me, you only thought of yourself. I was so young, so innocent, so fragile. My heart was a lightweight and you dropped it letting it smash. I constantly loose my way, I don't know where to turn. Everyone round here knows what happened and I'm shunned for believing you in the beginning. 'He'll toy with your heart. He doesn't care.' But did I listen, no of course not. I was blinded by what I thought was love. I've learned now that what we had was a tragedy, it was never going to last. I fought to hold onto what we had but you kept pushing me away. Further and further till noting remained.

Now I'm left to pick up the pieces of my broken heart. The pain you put me through, I don't think I'll ever be the same again. My innocence, my good nature, all have gone. Now you wonder why I'm different, you wonder what happened to me. My answer Don't you think 19 is to young to be messed with? I can let anyone else in now for the fear of getting hurt again. The marks you've left won't only scar they will burn every time I hear your name. Every time I think of you the pain starts all over again.

You come back and say the same thing to every girl. You say that 'you've loved me for worse or for better, and that no matter what you'd wait forever and ever. That you broke my heart but you'll help me put it back together. All because you love me.' Well don't be offended when I don't believe you. If you loved me to begin with them why did you put me through hell! That little sweet talk trick works on everyone else and that's how you usually get the girl but not me. Your stupid pictures that you've put in frames of us kissing on the cheek don't affect me. I was dumb enough the first time to come back to you. I ignored my friends, the warnings they gave. Truth is I should have listened, if I had then maybe my heart soundly be in pieces right now. I've stitched it back together sure but it's still not the same. Not capable of love the way it had the potential to be. It's damaged and let's face it, no one wants a damaged heart. They struggle to love and someone will leave if they realise this fact.

So yes you've damaged my heart, played with my mind and toyed with my emotions, are you happy now? Because I hide behind a fake smile everyday and say I'm fine when really, I'm not. I just hope that one day for every person you've played they find a way to be whole again.

Because of you, I try my hardest just to forget everything. Because of you, I don't know how to let anyone else in. Because of you, I'm ashamed of my life because it's empty. Because of you....I am afraid.

A/N This story comes deep from my heart. I used some lines from songs and made reference to them as well. Other than that this story has completely been written from experience/my heart (except for the age said).

Songs Used/Made Reference To:
Because of You-Kelly Clarkson
How You Get The Girl-Taylor Swift
Tragedy-Christina Perri
Lightweight-Demi Lovato
Dear John-Taylor Swift

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