Inner Demons

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A/N This story has 552 words. This story is not about OUAT!

Everybody's got their demons and everyone deals with them in different ways. Some people can rid themselves of their demons in a heartbeat, while others struggle for years to be free.

I've struggled with my demons for so long that now it just seems pointless. They only come back stronger than ever and every time they seem to multiple. Ever since I was young I've been insecure, I've struggled to find happiness in the world. I thought that as I got older that it might fade away but alas it only became stronger. Girls bitch behind my back, I'm kicked to the ground everyday and then every night it all gets worse. Because at night that when my demons come out. When I'm laying down ready to sleep that's when they begin shouting at me. Yelling things I've tried to forget, things I already know. They continue to point out my flaws as if I don't already see them. My demons remind me constantly of the dreams I'll never have and the goals I'll never reach. They remind me that I'm useless and that the world would be better off without me. Sometimes I listen, sometimes I act upon their words. Nobody understands what it's like to have people shouting at you that you can't even see. Nobody can ever get close to me, I push them away or should I say my demons do.

They wait till it's dark until they creep out. I think light is the only thing that keeps them away. Unfortunately even my days aren't filled with as much light anymore, so they forever haunt me. Like shadows looming over me they whisper and shout. People tell me they are just my imagination, that what they say isn't true. Well, my demons have words to say about them, let's see how they deal with them. The worst part of all is I know now that they aren't truly there. It is my imagination...but it's also reality. I've convinced myself so much that I'm useless and unneeded that now every night instead of me telling myself, the demons do. The demons I created, the ones others helped me create. It's not entirely my fault though, it's everyone else's too. If people could just keep their mouths shut and hold their opinions about others, then our world might not be filled with as many demons. Rumours, lies and betrayal have led me to this point in life.

I need to fight the demons I've made, to put them back in their cage. Here they can't hurt anyone. The only struggle is I am weak and small while they tower above and crush buildings with their might. How can I compete with that? How do I win when the game is rigged to suit them. It's an unfair fight, an un-winnable battle....but I've always loved challenges. I'll face the challenge with all my force, with everything I have left in me. No more demons ruining lives, no more giving up, no more being a coward. It's time to fight my own battles and win them. Until I do defeat my demons once and for all, until I lock them away: Don't come any closer. It's dark inside. That is where my demons hide.

Everybody's got their demons.......

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