Author's Note

23 1 0

Hey Everyone.....

So I decided to just create a book of one shots, merely for CaptainSwan. I've wrote so many for just them and I decided that the two books needed to be separate.

So from now on this one shot book will be about random stories again. Nothing to do with Once Upon A Time or CaptainSwan.

The only story I'm leaving here is the one where I asked my friend to give me 3 words and I made a OUAT story. That one is staying here!

Also all the CaptainSwan one shots that I wrote here have now been deleted and can be found instead in 'Captain Swan One Shots'. I hope this makes things a little easier, so from now on you will know what sort of story to expect.

I'll try to continue my writing and come up with some good things to write about. Till then...

Love EJ Graphics💖💖

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