I Wish

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I'm no usually one to share my emotions, at least not in a direct way. I'll usually write them down and turn them into a story, or a chapter. Make of that what you will....

Today was not a fun day.
Today was the worst.
Today was the scariest.

It started out like any other. But then things took a turn.

An ambulance was called. Your eyes closed and you shook. I have to say, it was one of the scariest things I've ever witnessed.

I watched you in front of me, I panicked. I was scared, oh I was deathly afraid I'd loose you right there and then.

But I acted brave. I acted brave just for you.

Rushed away after many little tests. I felt like a fish in a bowl while we waited. Everyone looking at me, at you, at us. At the scene taking place right before my eyes.

I held back tears and I'm still holding them back now. Frantic calls made to other members of the family. Not the greatest news around Christmas time.

Now I sit, here at home waiting for an update on your condition. Turns out its not the present you were hoping for, not anything anyone wanted.

I just want it all to go away. I want things to go back to normal.

I've come so close to loosing you so many times this year, I just can't do it anymore. It hurts, my family isn't the same. We're always worried, always yelling, always fighting.

It hurts.

I miss the old you, when you were invincible. Nothing got in your way. You were one of the strongest people I knew. But now things have changed and it's hard on us all.

So now I'm changing my Christmas list, a last minute thing but I hope it comes true.

I know Santa isn't real, but I hope someone out there listens and can grant my wish.

All I want for Christmas now, is for you to be better. For this to all be finally put behind us. I wish that you were healthy again. That nothing was wrong.

I'll give up everything, all the presents I'm supposed to be getting. All the things I asked for. All the other wishes I've made. I'll give it all up just for this one single wish.

Please grant it.

Please let it come true.

I need you. And trust me it will definitely not be the same without you here at Christmas. I don't want you in a hospital, I want you with us-celebrating.

I wish. And I hope. But nothing seems to work.

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