High School Romance

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Alyssa walked through the halls of her high school. Just another ordinary day of pushing passed slow people and trying to avoid the crowds. Just when she thought she was finally in the clear, a solid body crashed into her. Alyssa collided with the hard ground, all her books when flying only to land near on her on the ground a few seconds later. As she stayed down waiting for the throbbing in her head to pass she heard someone laughing. Looking up she noticed the group of boys standing close to her, all in fits of laughter. Rolling her eyes she was about to get up when a hand appeared in front of her. "Oh geez, I'm sorry. You ok?" Her eyes trailed up the from the hand to see the most beautiful set of emerald green eyes she'd ever seen. She took in the person's features and immediately recognized the face. The school's bad boy-Harry Styles.

Finally snapping back to reality Alyssa took his offered hand and let Harry help her to her feet. "I'm really sorry, Alyssa I just wasn't-" Stuttering Alyssa cut him off, "you, you know my name?" "Well, I mean yeah," he scratched the back of his neck nervously. "We have almost every class together, it'd be kinda sad if I didn't." Alyssa's heart fluttered slightly but she shook it off, this was Harry Styles and there was no way he'd ever like a girl like her. "Right, yeah of course." Smiling Harry bent down and gathered her books, "so where you headed?" "Just my locker," Alyssa tried to take her books from him but he refused. "No come on, really it's the least I can do."

Walking to her locker with Harry carrying her books sure made a few heads turn and definitely guaranteed jealous looks from all the girl. If looks could kill Alyssa was sure she'd already be dead and buried six feet under. Finally after what seemed like eternity but also didn't seem long enough they arrived at her locker. "Well this is my locker, thanks Harry you really didn't have to." "Nonsense, after I knocked you down in the busiest corridor it really was the least I could do. You sure your alright?" His face showed concern and once again Alyssa's heart fluttered inside her chest, she instantly felt herself blush slightly. "Yeah I'm fine," taking her books from his arms into her own she smiled. 

Unlocking the door she opened it and slid all her books in before she somehow managed to find a way to drop them again. She finished up and grabbed her bag to head home, when she closed her locker door she expected to find Harry long gone but he remained right where he was. She tilted her head and gave him a look of slight confusion, "you ok Harry?" His eyes were trained on her and a small smile found it's way to his perfect lips. "Yeah, it's just...has anyone every told you you're beautiful." It wasn't so much a question as a statement, a compliment left out in the open. Alyssa was paralyzed, completely speechless. The cutest bad boy just told her she was beautiful and from the look on his face she could tell he was very sincere. 

Harry scratched the back of his neck again, his green orbs shining bright, filled with hope. "Um, Alyssa would you," stopping himself he cleared his throat and found his deep voice again apposed to the higher pitched one he was using. "Alyssa would you like to go out with me one night?" Again she stood paralyzed, "o..on a date?" "If that's what you'd like to call it, um...yes do you wanna go on a date with me?" Her heart beat faster, thumping inside her chest as if screaming at her to accept his offer. Her head on the other hand was yelling at her that it was all a trick, that this was just a setup. "Is this just you trying to make up for the fact that you knocked me over?" Skeptically she eyed him. "No no, I..um...I like you. Your different from the rest of the girls. Your unique, your always yourself and don't care what other think, well I like that about you. So no this isn't just about me making up for the fact that I knocked you over," taking a step closer to her, invading her personal space he lower his voice. "I want to take you out Alyssa." The emphasis on the word 'want' made her feel like she sprouted wings and could fly. "Yes Harry, I'd love to go out with you." Alyssa couldn't help the Cheshire cat smile that was planted on her face and really, neither could Harry. 

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