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             ALL HER LIFE Lorelei Avari had been taught that being on the top of the food chain was the most important thing in life.

Even if you had to step on your friends to get there.

And she had definitely stomped all over her long time friends, Sarah Fox and Erica Jones.

Though the Whitechapel cheer uniform she was currently in was definitely worth it, she couldn't help but feel a little bit of guilt.

She could be friends with Erica and Sarah and still be popular right? Even if Stephanie didn't approve who cares?

"So." Sarah said making Lorelei turn around and smile at her. "This some sort of prank you have to play or did you already get kicked off?"

Lorelei rolled her blue eyes. "Sarah, look I know I've been acting like a mythic bitch for the past year or so but I just wanted to say I'm sorry okay."

Lorelei put on her best pout that used to always work before Sarah pushed past her into the cafeteria but the red headed cheerleader was determined to get her friends back so she followed her.

"Sarah!" She said catching up to her. "I said I was sorry."

Sarah quickly turned around. "Yeah but did you mean it? You can't just say sorry you have to prove it Lori." She told her before turning around and successfully bumping into a kid making the freshman spill his food all over her.

"Dork!" Sarah shouted before running off.

Lorelei just crossed her arms glaring at the nerd and his friend. "Nice job, loser." She said before turning off to find Sarah.

She soon found her and sat down in the chair in front of her. "I have an extra shirt in my locker if you need it."

"Thanks." Sarah looked up from cleaning the mess off of her.

Lorelei smirked. "You want me to prove I want to still be friends?"

Sarah was kind of scared as to what the red head was up to but Lorelei just sat up straight and turn towards the dusk booth Erica had set up in the cafeteria and waved her over smiling.

Erica looked so overjoyed she rushed over to their table.

"Lori! It's been so long since you've actually talked to us!" Erica said taking the seat next to Sarah. "Are you feeling okay?"

Lorelei waved her perfectly manicured hand and laughed. "Of course!"

Erica laughed before turning back to Sarah. "And you! Where have you been? I've been texting you all morning! Ew what happened to your shirt?"

Sarah groaned. "Don't ask."

"Okay." Erica just shrugged. "Guess what, guys?"

Lorelei sat up straighter pretending to actually be interested. "What?"

"I already have two hundred tickets sold for the screening."

Lorelei cut her off. "Make that two hundred and one."

Erica looked excited before writing something down. "Only seven more days! I seriously think that if I had to wait eight more days instead of seven more days I would go crazy!"

"Yeah me too." Sarah said not looking excited at all.

Erica gave her friend a confused look. "You skipped math today. Were you with Jesse?"

"Yes." Sarah rolled her eyes.

This made Lorelei roll her eyes. "Sarah he's a weirdo when are you gonna dump him?"

"What!" Erica said. "He's cute. If I had a cute boyfriend I'd totally skip class too!"

Sarah and Lorelei gave her a look of disbelief.

"What? I would!" She argued. "Do you think you two are only ones who are allowed to break the rules?"

"No but you're a good girl." She told her.

"So are you."

Sarah shook her head. "I don't know anymore."

"Straight A's. Always nice to everyone. Trust me you are." Erica sighed. "Let's face it the only bad girl here is Lori. Anyways I saved you two seats. Jesse's coming right?"

Sarah shook her head. "No, he's not a real dusk fan."

"What?" Erica's smile dropped. "How can you date someone that doesn't like dusk? The second book changed my life."

"We know." Lorelei and Sarah answered together feeling just like old times.

"You have to convince him to come." Erica urged.

Sarah just kept shaking her head. "I don't think that's a good idea."

"Fine. I'll talk to him." Erica said causing Lorelei to choke on her laughter.

Erica looked to her friend. "What I can do it!"

Lorelei just shook her head. "We should hang out tonight." She suggested.

This made Erica forget the whole Jesse thing and turn to face her. "Oh my god yes! We should!"

Her face fell again. "I forgot I'm babysitting tonight."

Lorelei raised her eyebrows but before she could ask who a guy she recognized from the lunch line sat down next to her and smiled at all three of them.

He turned to Erica. "Hi there, any chance you're babysitting the Morgan's tonight?"

"Yeah." Erica nodded. "Why? Do you know their kids?" She asked.

The guy nodded. "Yeah, one of them is my buddy, he happens to be sitting right over there." He pointed to the table where he came from and the boy was hiding his face. "He's a little shy."

"It's the loser that spilt his food on you." She told Sarah.

The boy next to her laughed. "Yup! That's him! See you around." He said before getting up and taking off.

Lorelei looked back at the table with the three nerds making eye contact with the one Erica was babysitting tonight before turning back to her friend smirk at the evil little plan to ruin the boy's reputation for the rest of his high school career came to mind.

"Hey, do you need help babysitting tonight?"




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