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LORELEI WOULD HAVE TO ADMIT this was not the best she's ever looked but she couldn't help that she had stayed up all night surrounded by history books and red bull trying to figure out more about vampires and whoever Charles was.

The girl finally accepted defeat as she put coins in the vending machine. Potato chips were not a good way to start but she already looked like she got ran over so what could it hurt.

As she turned to walk towards where she had left Ethan and Benny. She wasn't watching where she was going and bumped into someone.

"Watch where you're going." She shouted not caring about causing a scene.

Lorelei was not to be messed with today even if she was in the wrong. The red head finally looked up to glare at whoever was responsible only to be taken aback to see her old friend Erica sporting some very obnoxious clothing that would get her attention.

"Erica what are you wearing?" The girl asked looking at who she was surrounded by. The 'drama club'.

Erica couldn't help but give her a wicked smile. "You like?" She asked. "I think it really completes the whole vampire image."

"You?" Lorelei asked dumbfounded. "Oh please you look ridiculous." She said feeling brave. They were in public not like anything was gonna happen.

"You know it's not too late to join me." Jesse chimed in and now Lori could see his arm was tightly around Erica making her gag.

"You wish." She glared at him. "I'm not like my friend here, I don't go for sloppy seconds."

This made Erica let out a low hiss that only made Lorelei stand taller. "You're just upset cause with my new found confidence I'm gonna be more popular."

This made Lori scoff. "Once again. You wish." She said through gritted teeth now focusing her glare on Erica.

There was a brief staredown as the group around them waited to see what the other girl was going to do. Erica pulled back first collecting herself. "Come on lets take our company where it's wanted." She said as her and the group pushed past Lorelei.

"Yeah in hell!" Lorelei shouted after them before stomping off. People moved out of her way until she saw the two nerds where she had left them still on the laptop waiting for her.

"What's up with you?" Ethan asked the girl as she sat down next to her and glared at nothing opening her bag of potato chips.

To say this girl surprised him was an understatement. Last night he had seen a caring side of her and today he was seeing a more human side. He hated to say this but she was so much better when she wasn't putting on a fake mean look. It was like he felt more and more drawn to her everyday the spent together.

Lorelei angrily put some chips in her mouth and chewed, ignoring Ethan's question until she swallowed. "I saw Erica and I hate say this but I miss loser Erica." She said honestly before sighing. "Anyway what did you wanna show us?" She asked turning her attention to the computer as Ethan handed her a headphone and Benny moved close to Ethan to hear.

"Found it in my mailbox this morning. It's from Rory." Ethan said putting in a flash drive before playing the video message Rory had left it. Lorelei was surprised the guy even knew what to do with a flash drive but there his annoying face was clear as day on Ethan's computer screen.

"Hey guys!" video Rory spoke. "All these books and not a single decent comic. No X-Men. Not even the Hulk." He said making the group roll their eyes wanting him to get on with it.

"Come on focus buddy. Focus." Ethan mumbled as Rory went on for a second making Lorelei regret her choice to trust this kid.

"Okay." video Rory said. "I think I found what you're looking for. Check it out." He said panning the camera down to the book. "A angel's nest shall seed the earth. Soul for soul, the black army's rebirth. 'Neath the swallowed moon the dead take route. The barren orchard bears the devil's fruit." He read out loud making Lorelei get a sick feeling in her stomach.

"Whoa." He paused. "Best. Metal. Lyrics. Ever." He said before imitating a metal band and screaming those lyrics leaving the three to their thoughts for a minute.

Benny groaned pulling them out of their thoughts. "I hate poetry. It never makes any sense." Hw whined. "What angel's nest?"

Ethan shushed him. "The cubile animus. Nest of souls. They found it by the angel statue in the cemetery remember?" He explained.

Benny nodded. "Oh. That seed the earth?" He asked.

"The box was buried in the ground like a seed."

Benny raised his eyebrows. "Okay. The black army?" He asked his friend only to be shushed again for talking so loud.

"Quiet!" He shushed. "Easy. Reverend Black's followers." He explained.

Benny leaned back impressed. "Wow. So this is why you always get way better marks than me in english huh?"

Ethan sighed nodding. "Yeah and I don't call the teacher fart head to his face."

Lorelei let out a laugh. "He is a fart head though." She agreed.

Benny pointed at her laughing. "But point taken." he said before looking down at Ethan's computer. "There's a second video file on the drive." This made Lorelei curious as she scooted closer to Ethan to press play and watch whatever Rory had to go on and on about.

Instead of Rory's obnoxious voice they were met with the page for Dusk and the Dusk trailer loading up until it began and that annoying trailer that no one in White Chapel could shut up about began to play through Ethan's computer.

"Ugh turn that off before I burn your computer." Lorelei said as the boys beside her gave each other weird looks.

"Why is that on here?" Benny questioned also just as tired of that movie was Lorelei was.

Just as Lorelei was about to reach over and shut his computer. "Wait." Ethan said making them pause. "What did the poem say about the swallowed moon?" Ethan asked and Benny could only shrug.

"'Neath the swallowed moon the dead take route." Lorelei quoted for him and Ethan typed something into his computer before excitedly saying. "That's it."

"Tonight it the lunar eclipse and there's going to be over two hundred kids at that screening." He explained. "Two hundred and nineteen souls."

"Oh don't say it."

"He's gonna say it Benny." Lorelei said knowing exactly what this meant and what they had to do tonight.

Just then Sarah came crouching down smiling. "Hey what I miss?" She asked.

"The absolute worst news yet." Benny said rolling his eyes and making Sarah confused as she looked at the other two. It must've been bad if Lorelei looked like she was in pain.

"We have to go see Dusk three."


( note ! )
i'm trying to finish this so I'm updating whenever I can and I don't have much left of the movie so yay!
I changed Lorelei's fc to madelaine petsch so that's the only thing that's changed

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