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          ALL IN ALL THE red head was pretty proud of herself.  Of course she was worried since she hadn't seen Erica or Sarah all day but she had managed to ignore Ethan and Benny all day too.

Until now.

"Lori." Ethan said booking it to catch up with the older girl. Lorelei had to bite back a groan and just hope no one was paying too much attention to them as she shut her locker and looked to Ethan.

"Have you seen Sarah or Erica?" Benny asked her coming up from behind. This action caused Lorelei to jump and let out a gasp before glaring a Benny.

"Nope." Was all she said before walking around Benny and heading towards the front door trying to walk as fast as she could. Unfortunately for Lorelei she was still shorter than the two younger boys and they had caught up to her with ease.

"Are you not even worried?" Ethan asked coming up on her left side.

Of course she was worried.

Erica and Sarah had been her best friends at one point even though they were older but the self centered girl didn't understand why Benny and Ethan had to talk to her now.

Where someone could see. Stephanie had already jumped down her throat for even trying to rekindle her friendship with Erica this morning.

"Yes I'm worried." Lorelei said sternly turning around to face the two making them stop in their tracks. "I've already texted Sarah and she just keeps saying she's out and Erica has me on read so I imagine she doesn't wanna talk." She snapped before turning to walk again.

This time she made it outside but with the two boys still trailing behind.

"Yes but we still don't know what happened to Rory." Benny butted in.

"Guys!" Speak of the devil.

"Wazzzzzuuuup!" Shouted Rory coming up to the group sporting a new wardrobe some sunglasses, and a touch of sunscreen on his nose.

The group shared an expression of concern. "Rory you're .. We thought you were dead." Ethan sputtered out to his friend.

"All I know is I woke up the morning after the party feeling awesome." Rory explained. "No asthma, I don't need my glasses, and I barely have to sleep anymore. The only problem is the sun. It's kind of annoying."

"You're a fledgling too?" Benny asked.

Rory scoffed at him. "Heck no! I'm rocking the full on vampire action dude. The big V!"

He held up his fingers to create a v shape before holding out his hand for a high five. "Can I get a what what?" He asked full of excitement.

"What?" Lorelei asked confused by his excitement.

"What?" Ethan couldn't help but ask either before shaking his head and looking at Rory in disbelief. "You drank human blood?"

Rory put his head down in shame. "They said if I didn't I'd die." He explained but the look of disapproval didn't leave Lorelei's face as Benny let out a deep sigh. "All the other kids were doing it!"

WICKED WAYS ! ¹  ━━  E. MORGANWhere stories live. Discover now