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           MAYBE THIS WASN'T the best decision after all. Lorelei couldn't help but start to regret coming as she pulled the jacket Ethan let her use closer to her and the three of them made their way down the street in the middle of the night.

Lorelei had no clue what Benny was carrying but he was beginning to drop all of it as they made their way down the sidewalk.

"What is all of that?" Ethan asked turning around slightly to face Benny.

"Digicams with night vision infrared." Benny scoffed as he tried to keep up with the two. "You guys can't possibly expect us to investigate the supernatural realm without the proper equipment."

Lorelei rolled her eyes. "Would you keep your voice down." She whispered harshly.

"Ethan you said her reflection wasn't all there right?" Benny asked once he caught up. Ethan just nodded. "Here's a thought: what if this is some publicity stunt for that stupid dusk movie?"

Benny turned to Lorelei pointing and accusing finger at her. "Are you in on this?!" He almost yelled but she pushed his finger down.

"Benny shut the hell up!" Lorelei told him.

He then pointed an accusing finger at the sky. "If this is a punk I knew it all along!" He shouted.

Ethan threw his hands up. "Benny! Shh!"

"Come on. I think she headed towards town." Ethan said and they all followed his lead towards the main town that wasn't that far away from his house.

After a couple blocks and a mouth breathing Benny who obviously wasn't used to this much exercise they all stopped.

"It's hopeless." Benny sighed trying to catch his breath as Lorelei stood there and watched him pitifully. "We lost her. Must. Have. Pizza."

Lorelei sighed. "We have to look some more she's out here." She pleaded with Ethan.

And Ethan being a teenage boy he chose the hot girl over his best friend. "Just a couple more minutes."

Suddenly there was a loud bang that sounded like trash cans being thrown over.

Before they could stop her Lorelei ran towards the noise in the alleyway stopping in her tracks as Ethan and Benny caught up.

"There's something in there." She told them.

It was too dark for any of them to see with their own eyes so Benny held up his camera. "Night vision engage."

Lorelei and Ethan watched him trying to look over his shoulder.

Benny stiffened and his eyes filled with fear.

"What?" Ethan asked. "Benny what is it?"

When he wouldn't answer them Lorelei pushed forward. "I'll go see for myself." Only to have Benny grab onto her wrist pulling her back.

"We should leave." He said. "We should leave right now."


WICKED WAYS ! ¹  ━━  E. MORGANWhere stories live. Discover now