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AFTER ABOUT FIVE MINUTES of Benny and Lorelei whisper yelling at each other about whose car they should take and Lorelei arguing about how her insurance doesn't cover vampire related damage Benny was reluctantly handing her the keys to his grandma's car.

"So we put it in neutral so it'll keep us on the down low while we make our way out of here." Lorelei said as she got in the drivers seat.

Ethan stood by her window and Benny stood behind him watching carefully.

Ethan nodded and then looked to the back seat. "What the heck is that?"

Lorelei turned her head back to the backseat to see the long light bulbs sitting there hardly unwrapped.

"Oh, replacement bulbs for grandma's tanning bed. She likes rocking a tan. I've seen her come out of there once." Benny shivered remembering. "It's not pretty."

"That's an image I could have lived without." Lorelei said. "Come on let's go."

Ethan grabbed on to Lorelei's wrist. "Hold on, I have an idea." He then turned to Benny. "Remember last year when we dressed up as Jawas?"

Benny smirked. "I'll get my dads tool kit."

Lorelei tapped her fingers on the stirring wheel. "I'll assume this is nerd speak for something cool but I'll wait in the car, you dorks have ten minuets or I leave."

"We only need five, babe." Benny said taking the bulbs and Ethan following him.

Benny wasn't lying when they came back in five minuets but it took another three for the boys to decide who sits in the front.

After an intense game of rock paper scissors and Lorelei saying Ethan was the less annoying one Benny scooted to the back and they were off.

"Look there's Sarah!" Benny pointed out so Lorelei pulled over to the curb matching her friend's speed then stopping.

"Excuse me miss?" Ethan stuck his head out the window. "Could you tell us where the vampire party is?" He smirked.

Sarah shook her head at the three. "Okay I'm acting crazy because I got bit, what's your excuse?"

"My best friend's a vampire." Lorelei leaned forward. "Also we're on mission save a dofus, get in."

Ethan got out of the car moving to the back while Lorelei scooted to the passengers seat so Sarah could drive.

"So which dofus do I have to look out for?" Sarah said as they drove off.

"Their little blonde friend with the glasses."

"Rory." Ethan named for her as they pulled up to the mansion.

Sarah parked to car and got out but before Lorelei could follow her out she slammed the door standing in front of it. "Okay you guys stay in the car."

"What?" Lorelei asked trying to open the door but Sarah was holding on to it tightly.

"No way!" Ethan also argued.

WICKED WAYS ! ¹  ━━  E. MORGANWhere stories live. Discover now