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             LORELEI HASTILY PULLED INTO THE MORGAN'S drive way as Benny still mumbled away about the girl he kissed at the snack bar as he hung all over the backseat of the car.

"Benny, I'm gonna call your grandma to come get you okay?" Ethan said as him and Lorelei got out of the car. "We have four minutes left to save the world." He said to her.

The red head nodded at him before following him to the backyard of his house. She suddenly remembered the tree that stood tall in his yard. "I never did like that tree." Ethan mumbled more to himself.

"Funny." Came Jesse's voice making the teens stumble back. "How they name streets after what they tore down to build them. This used to be an orchard one of my favorite spot until Charles burned my flock alive." He glared the last part at Lorelei.

"Yeah?" Ethan questioned. "Well I'd say his only mistake was not finishing the job."

Jesse laughed dryly before holding up that dumb box. "You guys made me miss my target, so the rest of my flock may have to wait a little longer. That's fine. I still have enough Dusker souls here to resurrect a few dozen of the most powerful vampires that ever lived and you two will have the honor of being their first midnight snack." He threatened.

Lorelei clenched her fists as Ethan took a gulp of air. "Well you won't have to wait, because we're going to reunite you with your flock right now. Just not in this world." Ethan bent down to take out his dagger and even though Lorelei had no clue what the plan was this time she took hers out too holding it up.

Jesse smiled. "I didn't know you were into nerds Lorelei. I mean you two make such a good pair." He said before using his power to knock the daggers out of their hands. Lorelei felt like there was a weight on her shoulders bringing her to her knees and she could see right next to her the same was happening to Ethan.

"It's funny." Jesse began looking at Ethan. "I knew your grandfather's grandfather. He was a loser too." He mocked as the two struggled.

"Courage!" They heard the scream of Benny as he pushed Jesse but the vampire moved with ease.

"Well that didn't help much!" Lorelei snapped but gained her energy back quicker than the boy next to her. Of course it wasn't in time cause the group looked to Jesse to see him holding up the cubile animus to the eclipse. "The hour of rebirth has come!" He shouted. "Brothers! Sisters! Arise!"

Lorelei clenched her fists more and suddenly felt the cold metal of the ring Benny's grandma had given to her. Charles's ring. It was like she suddenly felt a burst of energy go through her as she stood up and pushed passed Jesse's force field. She had gotten enough momentum to knock him back into the tree but not enough to keep him there as the roles were reversed and he was swiftly holding her by the neck.

"Hey!" Ethan shouted getting his attention as Lorelei clawed at his hand. "I got your friends in a box!"

"And I got your babysitter!" Jesse challenged knowing how much Lorelei meant to Ethan. He could see the connection they had and he knew that losing that guardian angel connection could make anyone go crazy.

"Okay. Really she's Jane's babysitter." Benny explained making Lorelei glare at him from her spot as best as she could with her airway being cut off.

"Give me the cubile animus!" Jesse shouted getting annoyed. "The souls must be transferred now!"

Ethan looked between the box and Lorelei. "Lori!" Ethan said as Benny leaned over to him. "Just give it to him I kind of like having her around. What are we gonna do with a nest of souls anyway? eBay it?" Benny muttered.

"Now!" Jesse shouted squeezing her throat tighter. "Hand it over or she dies!" He challenged knowing there was an ache in Ethan's heart at those words.

The two locked eyes and Lorelei could only shake her head. It was between her and the whole world. She was needed less though Ethan would disagree. "Don't do it!" She said to him.

"Alma, alphras, alnok, gatran!" Came Jane and Benny's grandma from an upstairs window. Lightening quickly came down striking Jesse as he dropped Lorelei. Sarah lunged from the bushes just in time pushing him to the ground as Lorelei ran to join the nerds.

"Sarah!" She shouted pulling her away from Jesse.

"Hey!" Ethan called out. "You can have the box. Just not what's inside. You wrecked their premiere you deal with them." He said before opening the box sending Jesse in a panic as the souls of the people tonight flew around the group looking for the target.

They soon began going through Jesse as he yelled out in pain and fell to the ground until he was nothing but a mist and then he was gone leaving the gang to look around Ethan's yard.

"I can't believe you dated that guy." Benny said shaking his head a Sarah.

Lorelei grimaced. "My neck really hurts." She said feeling the pain in her neck.

"Can we go inside now?" Benny asked. The group nodded before walking back into Ethan's house.

The group sighed looking around as they walked into the kitchen. Just like that it was over for them. It didn't really feel over of course there were many questions that needed to be answered but could wait another day.


            SOON IT WAS MONDAY for the group and of course Lorelei was off from them at her locker stuffing her books in, but she just felt empty. The chatter with her and her friends felt more mindless than ever.

      The girls had apparently missed her since she started babysitting and she had missed out on a great fashion trip. Lorelei kind of missed the fun and excitement in her life and honestly she kind of missed Ethan.

             She had seen Erica who flashed her a soft smile. She still acted like a bitch to her but in a more .... Erica way. She had actually walked with Sarah to class and it felt like old times again, but she hadn't seen her two nerds anywhere until now.

      The two boys made their way down the hall way. Lorelei bit the inside of her cheek as she watched them. Ethan couldn't help but lock eyes with her and give her a small smile.

            Out of reflex the girl swiftly looked away before going back to her friends talking.

The red head couldn't help but feel a little hurt in her heart as her mouth went ahead of her brain. "I'll see you guys later." She said quickly shutting her locker. She turned around and made her way down the hall catching up with the two boys. "Ethan! Benny!"

The two boys turned around and Benny looked amazed as Ethan smiled.

          Lorelei swiftly went back to glaring. "Wipe those looks off your faces and walk me to class." She said and the two dumbfounded boys did just that as they all talked about random things.

As dumb as it sounded it just felt right and as much as Lorelei hated it she knew she was definitely going to be spending more time with these two.


( note ! )

oh my god. I did that. It's done. I'm ready for the sequel.

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