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LORELEI WAS GOING TO KILL Erica the next time she saw her. She had been waiting in her car fifteen minutes past the time they were supposed to show up at the Morgan's house for her and had come to the conclusion that Erica had ditched her.

Though Lorelei commended her on this prank she just didn't like the fact it was pulled on her.

Finally Lorelei swallowed her pride and marched up to Morgan's house and rang the doorbell.

Mrs. Morgan opened the door and Lorelei took the time to look over their strange attire.

"Hi! You must be Erica?" She asked.

Lorelei shook her head. "Um No, I'm Lori. Erica is sick and asked me to fill in sorry I'm late."

Mrs. Morgan just smiled at the young girl. "Please come in." She moved to the side so Lorelei could come in and she shut the door behind her as they stood in the entrance.

"Jane!?" Mrs. Morgan called out and a little eight year old came running towards them from the living room. "Your babysitter is here."

"Hi, I'm Jane." The eight year old said holding out her hand.

"Hi I'm Lori." She smiled as they heard footsteps come down the stairs.

They all turned to see Ethan looking stunned as he stared at Lorelei who remembering why she even bothered to come smiled at the poor floundering freshman.

"Earth to Ethan?" His mom questioned.

"Hello." Ethan said his voice shaking a bit because Lorelei Avari was in his living room.

He could've handled Erica and he might've been able to handle Sarah but having Lorelei, who's family practically owned WhiteChapel, there made him want to throw himself down the stairs.

Lorelei was still smiling sweetly at Ethan making him nervous. "Hello."

Ethan looked from her warm brown eyes to the bottom of the stairs wondering how much it would hurt.

"Do you like dance dance revolution?" Jane asked excitedly.

Lorelei looked away from Ethan to Jane. "Of course, do you guys play?" She said addressing both of them.

Jane waved her hand. "Ethan is a terrible dancer."

"What?!" Ethan said embarrassed. "Am not!"

"Then you should come play with us." Lorelei said batting her eyelashes.

Yes, he should've said no because he was in fact a terrible dancer and would only embarrass himself more. "Sure. Give me a minuet." He said realizing his old smelly attire he decided changing would be good so he ran upstairs leaving all of them confused.

Mrs. Morgan cut in. "Well my cell number is on the fridge."

She told her as Jane dragged her making her almost trip on her heels as they went to play dance dance revolution. "And Jane has to be in bed no later than eight thirty."

WICKED WAYS ! ¹  ━━  E. MORGANWhere stories live. Discover now