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IF THERE WAS ONE room Lorelei hardly went into in her big house it was her father's study. She was never really allowed into it as a child and she didn't really care either way until it seemed it would help the group out in their plan to stop Jesse.

Her father, Michael, was a very well known writer and news reporter on everything Whitechapel but he would still lock himself in his study for days on end.

Lorelei first thought it was to lock himself from actual responsibility and the fact that her mom left them when she was just ten but she had made the mistake of sneaking in one night and seeing drawings and pictures of creatures and books thrown out everywhere as if her father was looking for something.

The incident caused her father to lose it and lock up his study for years. Until last summer.

Lorelei still hasn't been in it until this moment. Her dad left it unlocked now and seeing as everything was cleaned and nothing was out of place she could see why.

It was just different.

She would be curious as to why there were so many books on the history of Whitechapel that weren't available in the library but not only with being a reporter her family was practically Whitechapel royalty.

Her family before her had helped settle this town along with other families who still lived in here.

The red head sat in a chair skimming through books until she found this one.

The history of Whitechapel 1894

And the book seemed to have all the answers that Ethan needed as she skimmed through it.

The loud opening of the door caused Lorelei to stand up and drop the book. The girl quickly looked to the door to see her father standing there staring at her. "Lor what are you doing in here?"

With wide eyes Lorelei bent to pick up the book quickly before smiling nervously. "Nothing I just needed a book." She caught her breath and walking towards him.

"What's that?" He asked pointing to the history book in her hand.

She looked at the book in hand trying to play it off. "This? Just doing ... a school project you know. On the history of Whitechapel." She held up the book to show him it was in fact a history book.

Her father's eyes scanned over the title and his face was expressionless though his eyes seemed nervous. "Nothing interesting happened in 1894." He said and there was something in his voice that was telling her he was lying.

"Yeah well unfortunately that's the year my partner Ethan and I got stuck with." She tried to play off enough though her father seemed skeptical.

"Speaking of Ethan." She said after a long awkward silence. "I have to go to his place to do some of that project tonight."

Lorelei smiled innocently and moved to go around her father until she reached the door not mentioning she was going to meet up with Sarah and go into town with her for a bite.

"Lorelei where have you been?"

The question made her pause and search for an answer.

WICKED WAYS ! ¹  ━━  E. MORGANWhere stories live. Discover now