Part 6: By Chance

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Shin bursted out laughing the moment she entered her room. She went straight there after leaving Ian in confusion. She can't help but laugh remembering Ian's reaction. She saw how his face became red and his eyes became lost when she stared at him.

"I think this will be fun." She said with a grin.

She sat on her bed and checked the images that she captured awhile ago. It made her smile wider because she loved every shot she took. She got the ocean, the view of the hotel from the beach, the beach itself and lastly, Ian.

She started browsing her stolen shots of Ian while he was so into his camera. She took them when they first arrived at the area and Ian caught her attention because he became so serious and silent while capturing the view with his camera. "I guess you're not the only one sneaking stolen shots." She thought to herself and chuckled.

She glanced at her wristwatch and saw that it is already 30mins before 11. She decided to quickly fix herself and pack the things she might need for their first tour around the island.

She felt excited remembering where they are going.


"Do you like bears?"

Shin frowned at Ian's question. "Why?"

"The tour guide told me last night that we will be visiting Jeju Teddy Bear Museum today. Then Ripley's Museum which is near the Teddy Bears." Ian explained.

Shin's eyes twinkled upon hearing teddy bear. "Really?! I love bears! Gummy bears are my favorite. I was so looking forward to visiting the Teddy Bear Museum here which I saw on TV. We are really going there today???" She said excitedly like a kid.

Ian laughed at her actions. "Yes, we are. You can calm down now and save your energy for the bears."

End of flashback

Ian went back to his room to get the things that he will be bringing for the tour. Then he went to the resto and waited for Shin.

He remembered Shin's words before she left him at the beach.

"I might have stolen your heart while you are busy with my stolen pictures."

"I might have stolen your heart while you are busy with my stolen pictures."

The words kept on ringing in his head.

He shook his head to shake away the thought. He smiled to himself. "She's comfortable around me already. She could crack jokes straight to my face." He thought and chuckled. But he won't deny that he got lost in her eyes when she teased him. It felt like everything around him stopped when she stared so closely at him. It felt like it was just the two of them. He just shrugged off the thought.

Shin came after a few minutes and sat across him.

"You finally came." Ian greeted with a smile.

"And you are early." Shin smiled.

"I thought you might come down earlier looking how excited you were at the mention of bears awhile ago. I didn't want to make you wait."

"Well, I guess you're right. Come on let's eat. I can't wait to leave."

Shin pulled Ian to the buffet table and grabbed their plates. They quickly finished their meal waited for their tour guide and the rented car.

"How long are you staying here?" Shin asked while waiting in the hotel lobby.

"I plan on staying for two weeks. But it can change so I'm not really sure."

"Depending on call of work?"

Ian nodded. "You can say that. How about you? We have to let the tour guide know so he'll be able to plan our tour accordingly."

"One week. I still have other things to deal with before going back to work. I got two weeks off."

"I guess we can make it work. Do you want to go to Mt. Halla for hiking?"

"Sure, I don't mind. I'd like to see everything Jeju has to offer while I am here."

Ian chuckled. "I see you are up for adventures too."

"You have no idea, Ian." Shin said and laughed.

A man approached them as they talk.

"Excuse me, Sir and Madam. I am Kim Jun Ho of Jeju tours." The introduced himself and turned to Ian. "I believe you are Mr. Ian Bautista, Sir."

Ian stood up. "Yes, I am."

Mr. Kim smiled and offered his hand. "Pleased to meet you, Sir. I will be your tour guide for today."

Ian shook his hand with a smile. "Yes, me too. Please take care of us." He said and motioned to Shin. "By the way, this is Shin."

Mr. Kim offered his hand to Shin too. "Pleased to meet you, Madam. I am Kim Jun Ho. Please call me Mr. Kim or Jun Ho."

Shin shook his hand and smiled. "Shin Go. Nice to meet you too."

"I didn't know I'll be touring a very lovely couple today. I assume you are newly weds. You look good together." Mr. Kim commented.

Shin and Ian exchanged glances and laughed.

"No, she's my friend. We are not a couple or whatever you have in mind." Ian said.

"Oh I'm sorry. You actually look like a lovely couple at first glance. Your clothes even match in color so thought you were a couple. I'm really sorry." Mr. Kim apologized.

Shin and Ian looked at each other and their clothes. They laughed at the realization. They are still wearing the same thing since this morning except for Ian who now has a white coat with sleeves rolled up to the elbow over his polo and Shin who now has a white cardigan over her dress.

"It's okay, Mr. Kim. Should we go now?" Ian said to drop the topic.

"Yes, of course. The car is ready. This way please." Mr. Kim said and led the way.

Ian and Shin followed behind still smiling and suppressing their laughs.

Ian placed his right arm around Shin's shoulder. "Let's go, wifey. The bears are waiting for us." He said and winked at her.

Shin playfully slapped Ian's face and they both laughed.

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