Chapter Eleven Blue and Lilac

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Sunday, 28th September 2014

Two busy weeks of tiring 'egg care', chores with Charles who constantly forgot I was even supposed to come and on top of that keeping up with classes. Mr Richard was becoming more suspicious by the second. I felt like he had started watching me more than he had before, he would never have light in his room, he wouldn't allow it. Then there was the odd crow, I saw it almost everyday, outside on the field, in a tree, on the windowsill, it was scaring me and in a sense I was becoming paranoid. Scaring it away, arguing with it and every now and then someone like Alice would see me and laugh like I was insane.

I sat in the library skimming through the books in front of me. I had taken out all the books I could find on Transfiguration and Animalians. From a distance it looked like I was studying for Transfiguration, but I was searching for any sort of answer that would tell me I was not going mad. After reading about three useless Transfiguration books I found a chapter called 'Animalians in Detail'.

Original Animalians

Although original Animalians are very rare there are still a few. Original Animalians are born Animalians, they are an entire culture, they are a species of magical creatures, able to transform into an animal at will. In both human and animal form an original Animalian can have conversations with other animals that both the animal and the Animalian will understand, this is a language commonly known as Aminal Tongue. There are different stages in this kind of Animalian's life, they will have their first transformation at the age of 11.

I stopped reading, letting out a breath. I had read a lot of this kind of information last year in Transfiguration. At least the crow wasn't a piece of my imagination, but if I could speak with animals and understand them even in this form then why hadn't I heard Ivy, Starlight or one of the other animals say anything before? Of course, it made sense, since I had understood the dragons and spoken in Dracol. But I hadn't thought it could apply to normal animals, at least not in this form. I hadn't spoken to anyone about talking to the dragons, I hadn't even told them about the crow that knew my name; it wasn't weird anymore, it was like I was getting used to understanding the most irritating crow ever, getting used to mocking and angrily telling it off, but all the crow would ever say was 'Misty!' or 'Misty Swift!' and then it would tilt it's head like it couldn't see me properly. I packed up the books, "Thank you Madame Wing." I smiled at the librarian and rushed out the door.

I was going to be late for the dragon care class. We had classes for the tournament everyday, even weekends. I hadn't kept track of the time and now I rushed into the field which was already filled with the tournaments contestants doing their daily care for their dragon eggs. I glanced around for Mr Kemsley and Dankwood and when I saw them I hid behind a pillar waiting for the crowd to reach me and then sneaking in and walking with them. The eggs were kept in the incubator and I had difficulty getting in but Charles was there to help.

"You're late Misty..." we managed to get the door open and I rushed in for my egg.

"But you always make me late on chores days, so I think you owe me this." I smiled.

"Fine, fine," he grinned, "just don't let Dankwood see ya." his accent was strong again. I slipped back into the group and pushed my egg along, putting all my strength into moving it. I noticed, Faith, Poppy, James and Benjamin talking with Dankwood, but I didn't listen in because I was occupied with watching my egg.

"Attention!" It was as if Dankwood couldn't think of any other word to say to get us to listen to him. Everyone stopped in their tracks and turned to face the headmaster, "Mr Kemsley has an important task for all of you, as it is the end of the second week." Like cats stalking a mouse we turned our heads to face the dull looking Mr Kemsley.

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