Chapter Eight The Decision

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Saturday, 13th September 2014

The week had gone by quickly, I had continued doing my chores and listening to anything new and interesting I could learn. Faith and Alec had started spending more time together and the rest of us would spy on them during Lunch. As for Poppy and James, Poppy didn't seem to be enjoying her tutoring lessons too much. I didn't know what to do, because I really did want this to work for the teachers sake and for Poppy's. Heather and Alice started to spend more and more time with us through out the week. Alec and I became better friends because I was curious to know more about what he thought about Faith, I was looking out for her. Turns out, I got to know him and he seemed very nice. Heather kept complaining about Eve one of the girls in her dormitory. Eve was the kind of girl who liked to be in charge, she also always said what she was thinking and ended up saying mean things. She was a little annoying, but for Heather that was a little under statement.

"Hey Misty." Alice came up to me. I had been thinking, I lay in the open field between The Academy and Charles's hut. The girls had been hanging around the horses, but I had spent so much time with them that I wanted to be alone a bit.

"Hi Alice." I replied slowly. The sky was amazing to look at, the blue sky and the fluffy flowing clouds. But I was hoping for it to rain so I could lie on the grass and feel the drops and the fell onto my face. After all I did love rain.

"So, are you going to volunteer?" Alice asked.

"What?" I turned to look at her, but realized she was standing above me. She sat down next to me.

"You don't know?" she looked shocked, "We are having a volunteer session for the Aerogon Tournament at lunch. Students from each school will put their names in the bowls we used for Chores and later we will hear who got in and who didn't." she explained.

"I see." I had zoned out again.

"So you won't volunenteer." she was puzzled.

"No I don't think I will."

"Okay," at that moment a boys voice came from behind us.

"You should watch your hair Misty, someone might step on it." It was Alec and he sat on the other side of me. I was barely listening to the conversation. I was in another world, obseesed with the way the clouds gently glided across the sky.

"HEY GUYS!" I jumped and grabbed Alec's arm. The other girls had randomly jumped in and I had been so distracted that I didn't realize.

"Owww." Alec looked to be in a lot of pain. That's when I realized, my cat claws were unsheathed. I quickly let go of his arm and looked at the others.

"Sorry." I whispered gently. As he and Alice stared at the cuts in his sleeve.

"You've got sharp nails." he was shocked. Faith and Hailey helped me up and we all rushed off.

"Sorry! We didn't mean to scare you like that." Lily apologised to me for the girls.

"It's fine you couldn't have known."

"No, it's not, we scared you and now Alec and Alice are suspicious. Your an unlisted animalian, you can't let anyone know." Poppy lectured me, but she was right. I could have just given myself away, after all Alice was clever, that's why she was in Aquila.

"You're right, but I'll try to keep it under control. Could you come up with a good lie?" I asked curiously, I was becoming worried.

"Well..." Hailey thought and then rushed off towards Alice and Alec who sat amazed on the grass. All of a sudden they both burst into laughter and they stood up together and came over to us. Heather luckily hadn't been there because she would have seen straight through any lie we made.

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