1 - How You Meet

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Hi my name is Emily, I am 21 years old and my brother is an actor. My brother Dylan (yes, Dylan O'Brien) has just got the role of Stiles in the new TV series, Teen Wolf. Today he is going to meet the entire cast and has invited me to go with him and meet them all as well considering he knows how much I love meeting the famous people he acts with. I am currently drying my hair wanting to make a good impression on Tyler Posey, Tyler Hoechlin, Colton Haynes, Crystal Reed and Holland Roden. After I had dried my hair I did my make - up and then curled my hair loosely. Seconds after I had finished curling my last strand of hair Dylan shouted up the stairs that it was time to leave. I quickly grabbed my leather jacket and ran down the stairs, out the front door and straight into Dylan's car.

We were meeting everybody at Frankie and Bennies for lunch so that it was a relaxed environment for us all to just chat and get to know each other. All the way to the restaurant, which was a good hour and a half away, consisted of me fangirling about meeting everybody. The hour and a half went by pretty quickly; it must have been because of all the talking I was doing. When Dylan parked the car I checked my hair and reapplied my light pink lipstick before getting out of the car and walking into the restaurant with Dylan following right behind me.

When we walked inside we were directed to the back room where everyone was already seated at the table. Looks like we're the last ones here. The only two seats left were between Tyler Posey and Tyler Hoechlin, Dylan took the one next to Tyler Posey so I sat next to Tyler Hoechlin, not that I'm complaining, if I may say so myself he is pretty hot so I'm glad to be sitting next to him. When I took my seat he looked at me and smiled whilst saying "Hi, I'm Tyler Hoechlin, but you can just call me Hoechlin, and that guy right there is Tyler Posey, but you can just call him T-pose, that's what we call him anyway. You must be Emily, Dylan's sister" he said without the smile leaving his face.
"Yeah, I am" I replied.

All through the meal Hoechlin and I held conversation, he seems like a really nice guy, plus he kept complimenting me, like on my outfit and my hair. When it was time to leave I went around saying goodbye to everyone and when it came to saying goodbye to Hoechlin he pulled me into a tight hug and slipped a piece of paper into my hand in the process.

When I got into the car I looked at the piece of paper in my hand, reading it over and over again. It said 'Call me, Hoechlin xx' and then his number. Dylan then spoke up saying "What's that you got there, lil sis?" curiously. I just slipped it back into my pocket whilst saying it was nothing.

As soon as Dylan and I arrived home I ran up to my room and added Tyler's number into my contacts before dialling his number.

(Phone Call - E=Emily and H=Hoechlin)
H - Hey, is this Emily?
E - Hi Hoechlin, yeah, it's me.
H - Hi Emily, how are you doing?
E - Good thanks what about you?
H - Nothing really, I was just waiting for you to call me.
E - Oh really?
H - Yes really. Do you want to Face Time?
E - No. I said quickly.
H - Oh, why not? He asked, sounding disappointed slightly.
E - Because I have just taken my make - up off.
H - Oh, come one Emily. I'm sure you look just as beautiful without make - up on as you do with it on. Pleeeeaaaasssse. He begged.
E - Okay, call me on Face Time then.
And he did.
H - See.
E - See what?
H - You do still look beautiful without your make - up on.
I just looked at him and blushed.

As the night went on, Tyler and I continued to talk, never running out of things to say. When I finally looked at the clock it was one in the morning.

E - Tyler, I think we should end the call now.
H - Why? He asked sleepily.
E - Because it has just gone one in the morning Tyler.
H - Okay, goodbye Emily, sleep well. Make sure you text me tomorrow.
E - I will, don't worry Tyler, I will text you as soon as I wake up.
And with that I ended the call and fell asleep dreaming about what a great guy Tyler Hoechlin is.

Authors Note:
Hiya guys. This chapter has been edited now as you can tell by the (X) at the start. Hope you enjoyed it. I added a bit more detail into it and also I noticed that I had changed from 'I' to 'You' so I have fixed that little issue. If you notice anything else wrong with the chapter or other chapters then please do let me know. I would really like some feedback as well on this fan fiction. It would be great to here what you think about it. Once I have finished editing this and the others I will start updating new chapters, and if you're lucky I might update early.
Love you all my Chicken Nuggets
(That's what I am going to call you guys now. (Let me know if you want me to change the name from Chicken Nuggets to something else and I will)
Byyyyeeee Guuuuyyyyssss

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