18 - It's A....

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"Congratulation Mr and Mrs Hoechlin, it's a beautiful baby boy!" The doctor announced, handing us the child.

Looking down at my baby wrapped in the blue blanket, the main feature that I could see were his emerald green eyes peering into my hazel ones.

He had the cheesiest smile and giggle, just like his father.

Tyler was standing next to me, one hand on my shoulder and the other helping to support our child.

I looked towards Tyler and smiled whilst saying "Kyle, he's definitely a Kyle".

"Of course" he replied, leaning down and planting a gentle kiss on my forehead before proceeding to pick up Kyle's hand, to which Kyle wrapped his little fingers around his dads large thumb. 

Hey guys. Sorry for taking so long but haven't really had any inspiration. Sorry it's crap. But here it is at last.

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