17 - Driving To The Hospital

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"TYLER, TYLER. IT'S TIME. WE NEED TO LEAVE NOW" I screamed for Tyler who was downstairs watching Tv. I had been taking a nap since this whole pregnancy thing can be pretty tiring, when I woke up with a sharp pain in my lower abdomen. I had been having pregnancies pains for a week or so now and this time I could tell that it was different. The baby was coming today.

"What do you mean 'it's time'?" He questioned.

"I mean the baby is coming. NOW" I yelled as I had another contraction.

For the whole journey Tyler sat there, one hand on the wheel and the other in my hand. Allowing me to squeeze it whenever a contraction started. Only pulling his hand away to change gear occasionally.

Hiya Guys,
Sorry that this took so long to upload but I have been extremely busy but thought I would surprise you all.
Hope you enjoy it.
Don't forget to vote and comment on what you thought about this chapter.
Love you Chicken Nuggets
Byyyyeeee Guuuuyyyyssss

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