12 - Telling The World

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Today Tyler and I finally decided to tell the world about the 'Baby Hoechlin' and we thought that we would let Daniel make the first tweet considering he did create his account just so that he could talk about the baby. The tweet that he sent said 'So excited to be an Uncle of a little Hoechlin child, such an honour'. He was so happy to have been the first to tweet and after his tweet had been public for five minutes we all tweeted something about Tyler and I's child. The comments coming through were endless. Everyone was so happy for us and was so supportive of the fact that we were starting a family of our own and saying that we were so cute together and that we are going to be amazing parents. It was such an overwhelming experience.


Hiya Guys,

Another chapter edited, I know it's short, but who cares.

Love you Chicken Nuggets

Byyyyeeee Guuuyyyyssss

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