20 - Showing Kyle To The Rest Of The World

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Today is the day, the day that we finally release a picture of our handsome baby boy to the world. All though a few had been leaked by paparazzi whilst he was really young his face was never visible as Tyler and I were sure to keep him covered just for his protection.

Tyler and I had been discussing it for a few days since he turns 10 months very shortly and fans have been tweeting us wanting to see who he looks more like and what features he has from each of us.

"So, this is it babe. Let's tweet this sucker" Tyler smiled, gently shoving my shoulder in a playful manner.

"Hey, watch your language around the baby" I scolded, also in a playful manner, however showing I was serious at the same time. "But yes, let's get this tweet out there" I agreed.

The tweet:
"Just look at our beautiful baby. Already starting to look like his handsome daddy"
~Insert Picture~ (my phone won't allow it for some reason. Sorry guys)

The retweets and messages came flooding in almost immediately, just like we expected. Everyone was so happy to finally see what the smallest member of the pack looked like, and now they finally got what they wanted all along.

Hi guys, I know it's been a long time since I last uploaded but I hope you enjoyed.

I have been so focused on my GCSE's and everything that I haven't really had time to go on Wattpad to read let alone to write.

I was scrolling through my works to see how they were going and saw that we are at 11k reads. Like when the frick did that occur. Thank you all so much.

Once again, let me know what you think about this chapter and feel free to give me some ideas for the future.

This chapter is dedicated to @avelittlebird as they wanted me to upload, so here you go.

Love you Chicken Nuggets
Byeeeeee Guyyyyyssssss

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 12, 2017 ⏰

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