Smoke and Mirrors Part 1

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"You are not going to Mexico" Sheriff stilinski said firmly pointing at his son

After the scene I made we went back to help Derek clean.We then told Derek and Braeden that we will be going to Mexico to go find Scott and Kira. Though Stiles being the degenerate he is decided to tell his dad. I tried stopping him, but clearly that didn't work.

"Dad, Scott and Kira have been kidnapped and taking to Mexico, okay?" Stiles explained calmly

"yeah I think that's a pretty good reason for a trip to Mexico" I said

"Okay" He sighed me and Stiles took a step towards him thinking he was gonna give in and let Stiles go

"Even if Deaton is right about this..the best thing to do is to go through the proper channels"

I groaned rolling my head back

"Dad" Stiles exclaimed hitting the dest lightly

"That means calling the right law enforcement agencies, boarder patrol, putting out on all points"

"Dad we can't just wait around for the wheels of bureaucracy to start spinning in five different government offices okay? someone needs to go down there right now, find them, and rescue them. i'm going" He demanded

"I can keep you from going" Sheriff said

"I'd find a way" Stiles replied

"I can throw you in a cell"

"Sheriff have you met your son, he'd still find a way out" I deadpanned

Stiles nodded in agreement and sheriff sighed deeply

"Stiles please," He started, walking over till he was standing in front of us "Just give me a little more time to verify something slightly more concrete than a physic vision by some guy with a third eye" Sheriff exclaimed

I looked at Stiles and saw him looking between the floor and his dad. He had that look that said "Im still going".

"Look, I will call every law enforcement agency all the way down to south america if I have to. If nothing turns up, then i'll book tw-three flights to Mexico" He said looking at me "We'll all go okay?"

I smiled grateful that he would do that

"Okay okay great..Do I get a gun?" he asked hopeful making a gun out of his hands

I glanced at Sheriff who had a blank face as did I

"No" We said in sync

"Okay" He said and grabbed my wrist leading me out of the sheriff station and to his jeep. I opened the door and got in.

"Where are we going?" I asked

"Were gonna meet Malia at your house so we can get something that has Scott's scent on it" He informed me


"So it will be easier to find him"

"Well what about Kira" I asked

"What do you mean?"

"I mean what if their not together how are we going to find her"

"Your right" he said pulling out his phone which caused the car to swerve

"Stiles concentrate on driving" I said grabbing hold of the door

"Sorry" he apologized

"Here call Lydia and tell her to find something of Kira's" He said throwing the phone at me

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