Chapter 14: Camila

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"What are we doing today?" I asked Dinah after breakfast.

"Today we have rehearsals at noon in Barcelona, which we really need," Dinah joked, but not entirely, "And after that I was thinking maybe we could-"

"Actually," I cut her off, "I was thinking of something else."

"You haven't even heard my idea yet," she pouted.

"But mine's better," I whined.

"Oh yeah? If it's so good that it's better than mine, which you've never heard, then what is it?" Dinah raised an eyebrow.

"It's a secret," I whispered with my index finger over my mouth.

"You can't just not tell me what we're doing," Dinah complained.

"Who says you're invited?" I asked. I sounded like I was joking, but I kind of meant it. I was planning a date with Lauren.

"Oh," Dinah sat silently for a moment, until she registered what I meant, "Oooooooooooohhh."

"Shut up," I felt my cheeks redden significantly as she winked at me suggestively.

"Have fun," she didn't mean to have fun playing tag, "Just make sure you don't mess anything up. My ship is already in some unsteady waters. Don't make it sink with your awkwardness."

"But her awkwardness is what helps it float," I heard Lauren's voice behind me.

"Lauren!" I shouted in shock as I turned to face her.

"Camila?" she shouted as more of a question, clearly confused.

"Dinah!" Dinah shouted her own name happily, which earned her a glare from the both of us.

"Oh no, not a Camren glare!" she said over dramatically, "I'm so scared! I'm going to go wallow in fear!"

I couldn't help but burst out into laughter at my friend. I loved Dinah. Still, I was slightly relieved that she wouldn't be commenting at every opportunity about how adorable we were and how we were "breaking her shipper heart". Although, I knew that she would most likely be spying on us from behind the couch or something, but oh well. She's weird.

"So what's this surprise you have for me?" Lauren winked at me saucily.

"Hmm," I pondered what I was going to say to her when I came up with the perfect idea, "A tickle war!"

Before Lauren could react, I was already tickling her stomach violently. Lauren squealed as she tried to run away, which made me laugh maniacally and topple her to the ground with the weight of my body. Once on the floor, I straddled my legs around her waist and continued to tickle her. My girlfriend gasped for air and pleaded for mercy, but I continued to tickle her nonetheless. I couldn't help myself; it was so much fun.

Lauren's long and slender fingers crept up my sides stealthily. I quickly understood what was going on, but before I could stop her she began to tickle me. I rolled over onto the floor instinctively and ended up facing Lauren with my cheek pressed against the carpet flooring of the bus. She looked at me with her emerald-colored eyes that sparkled in the sunlight.

Everything inside of me was screaming at me to kiss her. So naturally, I leaned in and pressed my lips softly onto hers. She reciprocated the kiss with a passion that I couldn't describe. I wrapped my arms around her neck and began to play with her hair as I deepened the kiss. Meanwhile, Lauren wrapped her arms around my waist. Our tongues were in a heated battle for dominance when I realized that she was cupping my butt. I smiled through our kiss, and decided to keep going by moving my right hand from her hair and rest it underneath her shirt and on her back.

"Get a room you lovebirds," Dinah shouted at us, snapping us both out of our trance.

"I mean, I ship Camren with all of my heart, but this is something I just don't want to see," Ally added, "Unless you'd be okay with seeing Troy and I doing the same thing?"

"Ally," Lauren whined, "You just crushed my lady boner with that mental image. Thanks a lot."

"Hey! Don't insult my other OTP!" Dinah pouted.

"Don't worry, DJ," Lauren assured her, "I will never get in the way of Trolly."

I couldn't help but stare at Lauren as she spoke. I could listen to her all day. Whether she was talking about something she truly believed in, or even just chatting with the other girls, I always wanted to hear what she had to say. It didn't hurt that her hands were still around my lower end, or that she had confessed to having a lady boner, though. I definitely had one too. I couldn't help it; Lauren was not only physically attractive, but she attracted me psychologically, too. I'm most definitely in love with her.

The day passed by quickly after that. We had rehearsals, which went better than last night's show, but we all knew that it wasn't practice that was going to fix things. I tried to talk to Normani, because I still loved her despite everything that was going on. She was acting very awkwardly, though; like more awkward than me, and that's saying something. I made a mental note to talk to her about it, then shipped Lauren off with Taylor before heading out into the city with Meaghan and Dinah to plan my date with Lauren for the night.

When all of the arrangements had been made, the three of us headed back to the hotel room we were given, seeing as we would be performing in the city the next day. I was sharing with Dinah and Meaghan because Lauren was sharing with Taylor. Ally and Normani had a third room together. Nevertheless, the three of us headed to our room, where they helped me get ready. I wore a white sundress with a white bow and my white converse, as well as whatever makeup Dinah put on my face.

Lauren came to the door just as Dinah finished up with my eyeliner. She walked in wearing black skinny jeans, a white blouse, and her favorite leather jacket. Her hair was natural, she wasn't wearing any makeup, and her eyes were a beautiful mix of green and grey. I smiled to myself before saying goodbye to my friends and heading out into the beautiful city of Barcelona hand in hand with my girlfriend. I couldn't wait to for the perfect date I had planned.

*** HEY BEAUTIFUL PEOPLE :) hope you enjoyed this beautiful Camren-filled chapter :) what do you think will happen on this date? Any drama? Let me know in the comments below!! And if you liked that chapter, don't forget to show it by clicking that little star on your way out ;)

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