Chapter 8: Camila

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"Zayn! Liam! Taylor! Meaghan! I'm going to find you!" I yelled out after counting to ten as we were playing hide and seek before rehearsals. I began to run in one direction when I ran into someone, causing me to scream, "Found you!" "Mila it's me you idiot," Dinah rolled her eyes. "Oops, in that case help me find people!" I smiled. Dinah have a disapproving laugh and decided to help me.

Dinah and I ran around backstage to find our friends as we waited for the others to show up for rehearsals. My friend and I eventually found Liam hiding in a trash can, Zayn hiding beneath a carpet, Taylor behind a giant cupboard, and Meaghan inside of the giant cupboard. After we had found everyone else, Meaghan had jumped out at me and tackled me to the ground.

"Have any of you seen Lauren, Normani, Ally, Louis, and Harry?" Niall asked as he and Katerina approached the six of us. "No," we all shrugged in reply. "Why?" Liam asked. "Rehearsal was supposed to start already," Niall replied. "That's odd, Louis and Harry never miss rehearsal," Zayn commented. "Ally is always the one making sure we're all on time, so it's pretty weird how she isn't here," Dinah added, "and last time I checked, Lauren was on her way."

Knowing what was going on, I began to hurry away from the stage. To my dismay, Meaghan grasped my wrist to make me stay. She pulled me close to her and whispered in my ear, "What's wrong?" "Lauren is cheating on me with Normani and Ally, Louis, and Harry found them," my voice quivered, even though it was barely audible. "I'm sure that's not the case, okay? There's tons of other reasons why they're running late, don't assume the worst," she cooed.

Normani sauntered up to us in that moment. "Sorry I'm late guys, I had a bad cramp and went to the bathroom," she said. "Thank the heavens!" I exclaimed as I dropped to the floor, "Lauren's not cheating on me!" "Oh no, I'm okay, thanks for asking," Normani commented. "I'm glad you're okay," Dinah put her hand on Normani's shoulder.

"Guys, it's great that Normani's okay, but we still have no idea where Louis, Harry, Ally, and my sister are," Taylor pointed out. "We need to find them," Liam declared. "How? We don't even know where we're going," I pointed out. "Liam, Niall, and I do," Zayn informed us. "Who are you kidding? We've never been to this venue before," Niall told the truth. "No, I think we actually did once a long while back," Liam said reflectively.

"Joy, Katerina, and I used to come here all the time when we were kids," Meaghan whispered in my ear, "Our parents were just as starstruck as we are, so we would always get backstage passes to concerts and such. Here's actually where I started songwriting." "That's amazing," I whispered back. "I think I know exactly where the four of them might be," she confessed softly. "What are we waiting for? Let's go!" I declared in a whisper.

As everyone was bickering over who knew where they were going, Meaghan and I snook away from the group. Once we were well away from them, we took each other's hands and began to run. I let my friend lead me by the hand wherever she wanted to because I completely trusted her. We hadn't known each other for too long, yet it still felt like we had known each other forever.

"Camila, I'm really tired," Meaghan panted as she held onto a wall. "Are you okay?" I was concerned. "No," her voice sounded frail. I sat down on the ground and had my friend sit down on my lap. "What do you feel?" I asked. "Really dizzy," she replied. "Put your head between your knees okay? That's supposed to help," I recommended. "Thanks," she did as such.

Putting my arm around my friend, I felt something frightening. I put my arm underneath my friend's shirt to find that my suspicions were true. "Meaghan, when was the last time you've eaten?" I asked cautiously as I felt my friend's spine. "I don't know, recently," she mumbled. "After this you're eating," I stated, causing her to nod slightly in reply.

"You're so rude and disgusting!" Ally screamed from somewhere near. "I think we found them," I whispered in Meaghan's ear, "Are you okay to get up?" "I guess," her reply was barely audible. "Here, sit here leaning against the wall and I'll be right back," I assured her as I kissed her forehead and followed the sounds of arguing.

"Fuck, why can't we tell your little secret? You broke up me and my girlfriend after all, I should be getting my revenge!" Lauren yelled. "You tell anyone anything and you're fucking dead," Harry's voice resonated through the hallway, causing me to stop in my tracks and wonder: what the hell was going on?

*** sorry it's short guys, I really wanted to end it in a cliffhanger again! Lemme know what you think :)

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