(1) Most definitely best friends

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Most Definitely..

Not all who wander are lost.
- Anonymous 

Chapter 1

I stared at my best friend Avery Mackenzie with my heart beating rapidly in my chest. He looked so good today.

His auburn hair neatly combed as usual. His gorgeous green eyes sparkling under the sunlight. His perfectly sized pink lips..

Goodness Grayson chill out out should so gay right now.  

I thought before shaking all the previous thoughts to the side, disgusted I even had those thoughts.

"Grayson I need-" Avery started before someone started talking to him.

His rolling his eyes, impatient. What had Avery needed? Gosh he needed to know.

He tapped his foot on the floor, slightly leaned against his locker before sighing as Avery walked away grinned as he and Kerien Blake talked about football.

He was on the football team too. But I suppose Avery is a bit more important. He was the quarterback and I was his guard. I was a great guard I never let anyone hurt him out on that field because I knew how crazy it could be.

I guess Kerien Blake didn't think so.

He sighed in annoyance as Avery had left without even waving good bye or even looking at him in that matter.

I guess Kerien Blake was more important than him best friend whom he'd known since they were ten I thought bitterly before growing annoyed with myself.

Was I really getting jealous because of annoying Kerien Blake?

My thoughts were cut short when I heard the principal calling me through the speakers.

"Grayson Madison please report to my office."

I stood up straight before going into the principals office which was a couple feet away from me and opened the door. I walked in and closed the door behind me before plopping myself on one of the comfy chairs.

"Hey dad." I said looking at my dad who was looking through a bunch of papers. "Son." He said looking up "I just wanted to remind you about the family reunion that was happening in a few weeks. We're going to be staying in Hawaii for two weeks instead of Florida. The family decided we should all go to somewhere different so we all pitched in and we have reservations to our hotel and everything already." He said quickly before looking down again.

"Okay was that all you wanted?" I asked.

"No I also wanted to tell you that you will be showing around two new students Marzie and Marzo Zelenski. They are both 17 and just moved to New York from Russia." He said looking down at his paper work as he spoke.

Russia.. How interesting.

"Okay well I'll talk to you later dad." I said before standing up and walking away.

I walked in the lunch room to see Avery sitting with Kerien at his Lunch table, when he saw me he motioned for me to come over. I rolled my eyes and walked over to him before taking my lunch out of my book bag.

I had a protein bar, grapes and a turkey sandwich.

"Hey Avery" I said "Kerien"

"Hey man what's up I haven't seen you all day." Avery said giving me a bro hug. "I wonder why." I said dryly before taking a bite of my sandwich.

Avery took the other half without asking and took a large bite. I glared at him "really Ave? You have a whole freaking 5 star healthy meal sitting right in front of your face yet you still eat my food?"

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