(16) Most Definitely needing help: Epilogue part 3

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Most Definitely


Chapter 16

I was such a idiot.

I can't believe I pushed my husband. I was so upset with myself. How could I do that to Avery? How could I do all of this to him? He deserved better.

It's like I want to at all these things to him but they never come out. Instead when things gets hard and difficult I just walk away. Something I've been doing a lot lately. I knew he was right but I still chose to ignore him. Why?

I didn't know why but I wanted it to stop, I needed to do better for Avery. I wanted to see him look at me again like I was his world I wanted him to look at me like I was the best things that's ever happened to him. I didn't deserve those titles but I sure as hell was going to work my ass off to have him look at me like that again.

I loved Avery move than I would ever imagine I would. I knew I didn't show it but I need to do that. I needed to let him know that I cared for him and I loved him and I'm sorry for all the terrible things I've done to him.

So I went to one of my best friends house for advice. Matteo.

I pulled into their garage and walked up to the front door and knocked on it. It was shortly opened by Prince.

One of Matteo's children. He was sixteen with light blonde hair and blue eyes with full lips. To be honest he looked like a model. He was tall and a cute kid. Unfortunately he didn't think so himself. He wasn't confident in himself at all, he was very awkward and shy and I'm pretty sure his only friend was Alaska.

When Matteo and Safari first adopted him he was eight. He had been raped and abused by his biological parents and was constantly put down by them. Luckily a neighbor found out what was happening and he got put into a foster home. His biological parents had gotten away from the police for about a week before they both killed themselves.

It took Prince about two years to fully warm up to Safari and Matteo and they were super close. He hardly ever left his parents side. When he met me and my family he was scared and it took him awhile to get used to us as well. He's still very shy and nervous around us but it used to be much worse.

"Hi Prince." I said giving the younger boy a small. He smiled back shyly and opened the door wider to let me in. I stepped inside and left my shoes off at the door.

"Hey Kingston." I said to the oldest son who was eighteen.

Kingston was a play boy and was best friends with the twins. He was very loud a never listened unless Matteo was speaking to him. He was a nice kid though he and Prince were close as well, he made sure at school nobody bothered Prince even though Prince knew how to defend himself since he started karate classes with Alaska.

"Hey Grayson!" Kingston said with a grin as he waved at me before walking up stairs.

"Uncle Grayson!" I heard two voices yell. I looked down at me feet and saw Codie and Coral. The youngest kids in the family. They were the sweetest kids you'd ever meet and they were obsessed with me.

"Coral! Codie!" I said lifting he two kids up and hugging them tightly. "Can you guys tell Matteo I'm here?" I said smiling as I set them to their feet. They smiled and nodded before rushing outside in the backyard.

I walked into the kitchen and greeted the last kid in the family. Prissy.

She was a total drama queen and only wore expensive clothing. She was quite nice but could be a real bitch when she wanted to. She was fifteen and made it her life mission to harass her brothers Prince and Kingston. But mostly Kingston.

"Uncle Grayson! It's so great to see you!" She exclaimed giving my a quick hug and smiling widely.

I rolled my eyes "the twins aren't here."

She sighed dramatically. "Why!" She whined with a pout in her face.

I didn't answer instead I just sat down on the bar stool and took one of her grapes. She made a face at me before making a loud noise and stomping away.

"Grayson!" Matteo shouted running up to me and hugging me.

I made and face and shrugged him off of me. "You sink!" I exclaimed. He laughed loudly and nodded his head "yeah.. Me and Safari were playing soccer outside."

"The paparazzi didn't follow you did they?" He said frowning and looking over my shoulder as it there were going to be people behind me with cameras.

He and Safari were quite famous. Matteo was a artist and soccer teacher at the high school our kids go to and Safari is a professional soccer player.

"No Matteo there isn't any paparazzi, I thought you trusted me by now?" I joked.

"Yes that's what you thought." He said shrugging. "Why are you here?"

"I thought you'd be happy to see me." I said with a pout.

He ignored me and called for one of his sons when he saw the dirty dishes. "Kingston!" He yelled loudly. Within seconds Kingston came running downstairs with wide eyes. "Yes papa?"

"What are those?"

"Dishes?" He said looked confused.

"Obviously but why are they there?" Matteo questioned. Kingston finally realized his mistake and his eyes grew wider. "Sorry papa I forgot!"

"Well next time you forget I'll take away all your electronics and then in sure you won't have a reason to forget." Matteo said with a stern glare. Kingston nodded quickly and went to do the dishes.

"Come." Matteo said walking away to his art room. I followed behind him silently and sat on a leather couch he had in the room.

"So what did you do now?"

I glared at him but told him anyways. When I finished he blew out a large breath of air and leaned back in his seat. "You fucked up." He said. "I mean don't get me wrong I totally hate Avery but man you really fucked up."

"Okay I get it Matteo!" I said rolling my eyes.

"Luckily for you I have a plan."

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