(15) Most Definitely having seconds thoughts: Epilouge part 2

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Most Definitely

"You said you wouldn't and you fucking did."

Chapter 15 (Avery Mackenzie POV)

I was undeniably hurt by Grayson's actions.

For all these years I've stuck by him and supported him and every way possible and this is how he repays me? I do all the work with everything. I understand he's a lawyer and he's very busy but he never makes time for his family like he used to. He always comes home late and sometimes when he's feeling up to it we'll have sex and then that's it. It's just not the same as it used to be. He's so different and closed off now..

I couldn't even figure out what was wrong with him as his best friend or as his husband. I've asked my family for advice and they think I should think a little more about my actions before I go through with anything.

My sister Alice had told me that I was not divorcing Grayson. She wasn't even nice about it or anything she just demanded it.

So now I was having second thoughts.

I sighed as I watch Grayson lying in our bed peacefully sleep. He was so beautiful.. But when he woke up I knew my heartbreak would only become worse so I left. When he told me he loved me it was almost like a chore, something he just had to say, it didn't even sound like he meant it anymore. Because of that I never told him I loved him out loud because if I did say it out loud it would cause Grayson to say it in repeat.

Him telling me he loved me didn't bring me happiness anymore, instead it just tore me apart further knowing he didn't mean it.

He never showed his emotions anymore and I knew it was because of his job. When he was at work he'd close him self off to any emotions to make him seem like a complete hard ass so that people would fear him but unfortunately he started acting that way at home as well. He didn't know how to balance out his job and his family. I wished when he was at work he'd just be his usual sarcastic self. Instead he chooses to be just like the other lawyers.

He just needed to be himself and open up and maybe we'd be okay.

I tried telling him this though but he refuses to listen. He thinks I'm being inconsiderate and mean. Clearly he needed someone to film him for a day and tell that to himself in a mirror.

I went into Alaska's and white and lilac purple room and sat on her comfy queen sized bed. She appeared out of her walk in closet and when she saw me she thought I was an intruded so she quickly gave me a kick to the head sending me flying to the floor and clutching my now aching head.

"Dad I'm so sorry!" She exclaimed once she realized it was me.

Seconds later Grayson came busting through the room and immediately went over to help me up from the floor but I backed away from him.

"Don't touch me." I snapped. I saw a look of hurt come across his features before he masked his emotions and left without a word.

That was the problem he never talked to me anymore and never opened up.

I sighed and rubbed my tired face and desperately trying to stop the ache I was feeling in my chest but not matter what it never went away.

"Dad I'm sorry!" Alaska said again helping me up. I sighed and sat back on her bed "it's fine.."

She frowned and sat on her bed next to me. "What's wrong?" She said worriedly.

Everything was wrong. I thought Grayson would be my everything forever and always but it turns out he ended up breaking my heart.

"Grayson.." I started my voice breaking a little. "Grayson and I might be getting a divorce." I said. Alaska's eyes widened in shock and her hand went over her mouth "what?" She said in disbelief. "W-why?"

"He just never makes time for me anymore.. I don't know how to explain it well but I don't thing he loves me anymore." I whispered, a lump growing in my throat.

"Dad that's not true! He loves you he's just really busy with work." She said. "You won't understand Alaska." I mumbled.

"I'll be right back." She said with a look of determination on her face as she marched out the room.

"Alas-" I started to say but she was already gone. I knew what she was going to do she was going to force Grayson in here and force us to talk.

I didn't want to talk to Grayson but at the same time I did. I didn't want to talk to him because I didn't want him to give me false hope like he's been doing for the past few years. I did want to talk to him because I had a little amount of hope left that we would work out our struggles together like we've had in the past but that hope was fading by the second,

Alaska came running back in and pulled me up before running with me pulling along behind her as she stopped in front of my bedroom door.

She smiled at me and gave me a thumbs up "good luck." She said smiling widely.

"Alaska-" I started before she cut me off. "Dad go. Now. You have to try." She said before giving be a hug before opening the door and shoving be inside before closing it.

I slammed into a hard chest and looked up at Grayson who now had his hand set at my  waist to help stable me. "S-sorry" I said suddenly nervous as a deep blush went to my cheeks. He smiled a little and back away from me and sat on the bed. "it's fine Avery." He said.

I gulped when I realized he was shirtless. I've seen Grayson's body plenty of times but I could never get enough of it.

I sat down next to the bed and looked down in my lap. Why the fuck was I so nervous? I knew Grayson nearly my entire life now I had no reason to be nervous.. Well other than the fact that he was different than who he was before, I didn't know what to expect from him.

"I'm sorry Avery." He started. "I don't really understand why you act like you aren't okay with my work."

My head instantly snapped over to his "don't say your sorry because your not. I'm fine with your work but you just don't know how to handle work and your job very well."

"What the hell are you talking about?"

"I'm talking about how your acting like a stone cold asshole with no heart. When your at work you try to be like the other lawyers, all tough and badass. That's fine if you want to do that at work but you can't be like that at home with your family, it isn't right Gray." I said.

He stayed silent and got up while looking at his watch. "I'm late for work." He said before walking towards the door.

I stood up in disbelief. "Grayson!"

He ignored me.

I went to go pull him back he turned around and shoved me on the ground and my head hit the hard wood floor with a thump. I made a noise of pain and clutched my head. The door instantly opened but I stared at Grayson in shock as he stared at me with the same expression on his face before and started to get of his knees but before he could Alaska kicked him in the back and quickly stood beside me.

"What the fuck did you do!?" She yelled. "I-I'm sorry-" he started.

"You should be now leave."

"But Avery-"

"Your the one who pushed him in the first place! Now get out! Don't you have work? You don't want to be late do you?"

If this was any different situation Grayson wouldn't have let his daughter speak to his like that but he knew he was in the wrong.

He sighed before looking at me once more before walking out the bedroom door and shutting it closed behind him leaving me with a watery eyes and a lump forming on the back of my head.

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