Part Vi.

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Your eyes fluttered open only to be met with the popcorn ceiling, the room was quiet and not a living soul was to be seen except for you. You quickly reached your hand up to rub your sore cheek while taking in your surroundings; there was only one exit then a room for skinning what appeared to be walkers. It was odd, but you didn't question it, you only pulled on the rough handcuff and kicked the pole in front of you.

Nothing budges and you began to groan in frustration while giving the pole another kick. The distant sound of two men debating over something reaches your ears as you freeze in fear. The hairs on your arm standing up while you pull harder on the cuff causing cuts to from on your wrists.

"Look who's up." Came the voice of one of the termites, his buddy crouching and placing his calloused fingertips on your knee. His touch caused your stomach to twist; you almost wanted to vomit, but you held it all back.

"You look like you're gonna be a lotta fun." The other termite winked while inching his hand further up your leg. Fear coursed through your veins as you without thinking kicked the man backward and glared at the other, but it only angered the balding man.

"Oh hell naw!" The termite hissed and pulled himself back up; he sent his pal a nod like this was some secret language they held between one another and before you knew it you were pushed against the frigid floor. A flurry of skin and clothes being tossed about clouds your eyes. One termite pinning you down and the other getting to work on your slender, frail body.

"Please no! I'll do anything, just not this." You begin to beg, but you're only ignored while the termite licks up your abdomen. His dry tongue against you causes you to gag as he slips a single digit in you and you cry out in pain. Attempting to free yourself from this torture wasn't even an option, the termite had a rather good hold on you and his buddy had no plans on stopping this little rape date he had planned.

"Good, think you can take more?" The termite hissed pulling your thighs apart. He took one good look at you causing his pal downstairs to become stiff with excitement; his fun was immediately put to a hold however when a loud explosion sounded off and shook the weakened foundation.

"What the hell man, what was that?"

"Dunno, why don't you go check dip shit." The termite ordered and you were soon freed from the other termites grip. The man's friend followed the noise of the explosion till he was out of sight and out of mind, but you still had the other creep; your eyes looked everywhere and anywhere but at the rapist in between your thighs, but you couldn't avoid him. "You excited doll?" He questioned like you were actually wanting this. He was pretty full of himself, he wasn't even worth wanting.

"Sooo excited." You sarcastically replied with while the other termite bolted into the colorless room all too soon. He looked frightened and appeared to be shaking in his boots, but his fear didn't last long; the termite was put down with a clean shot between the eyes and his killer was soon revealed.


The cowboy sheriff who's saved you countless times emerged from the dark entry, his colt python was cocked and loaded and he sported a glare that could kill. "Back away from the girl," Rick said in a rather low intimidating voice, but the man insisted on ignoring, he instead made a pathetic attempt at trying to run off with you, but the cuffs held you in place.

"Shit, shit, shit, damn cuffs!" The termite growled, but before he could spit out more nonsense he was pinned against the stuccoed wall by Rick. You received a free front row seat as Rick landed multiple blows to the termites face then finsished him off with a few good stabs to the gut. He seemed to go off the deep end and get carried away, but your uncle came to the rescue and freed you from the cuffs.

"You okay?" He questioned and gathered up your clothes, looking away and passing them to you. You kindly took them and slipped piece by piece on while figuring out what to say.

"You mean did he rape me? No." You muttered out and finally buttoned the last button on your shirt; the sound of the termites body finally coming in contact with the flooring fills your ears as Rick makes his way over. He looked on edge, but you didn't bother questioning it.

"Let's go, they'll be waiting." Rick finally said and off you three were. You were lead through a series of hallways and out a door as all you could see were walkers and your group struggling to fight them off. Your first thought was to run into Carl's arms, but you'd rather not become lunch to a bunch of bloodthirsty monsters.

Instead, you were quickly handed a sharpened pipe by some guy with ginger hair you didn't know and the group you never thought you'd see again all shot you smiles. You returned them all and drove your pipe through a few walkers. They went down fairly easy and you and the others were soon over the Terminus walls and back in the eerie forest.

You quickly disposed of the bent pipe in the palm of your hands and attempted to rub some of the walker blood off your jeans while the group discussed without you. Being out here in the forest was better than in the fifty shades of gray room, but something kept popping up in the back of your mind.

What if the rest of the group didn't want you back? Sure they sent you smiles and all, but after they find out what you went through, the things you did that not even Carl knows would they still want you? Would they still want a girl lingering around who was too weak to defend herself from rape? The questions flooded your mind while you ran a hand through your greasy hair and let the cool breeze hit your flushed skin.

"(Y/N)?" You heard a familiar voice ask as you quickly forced yourself back into reality and turned around smiling from ear to ear. The brown haired blue eyed boy looked thankful, like a thousand pounds was just lifted off his shoulders; he inched closer before engulfing you in a warm hug; his hands grabbing fistfuls of the back of your shirt while he inhaled your scent.

"No hello?" You joked pretending like nothing happened behind those walls, pretending like those men never almost raped you. Carl only half chuckled at your statement before the rest of the group peeled him off you and said their hello's. You only feared for what came after the greeting.



It's been a while lol

I've been really busy, but don't worry I'm free now so expect updates (:

I'll be updating this story a bit and also some of my stories on venusrey

I'll also go back and fine tune this in the morning but for now, I hope you enjoy!! ^///^

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