The fate

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What happened? Will there be another update? Will I finish the book?

(If you don't necessarily care about what happened you can skip to the two bold dash marks for the fate of this book!)

Ok, where does one start... I started this book in 2015 I believe. Before it was edited it was just a mess and then in 2017, I realized my book needed a makeover. I spent hours editing those old chapters and then picked the book back up months later. I was so excited and with every chapter, I looked forwards to y'alls comments, but then things went downhill.

In 2017 I ran away from home and started my new life that I thought would be sunshine and rainbows, I was going through a lot and I won't go too much into it. Mentally, I shut down and all my hobbies and work in progress just became mere thoughts dangling in the back of my mind. I lost a huge part of myself and found when I tried to write it, it was nothing but a wad of emotions that didn't sound all so great. I was upset, I felt like I was letting my readers down because I couldn't crank out chapters like some authors and that was when some hate started flowing in through my inbox.

It was a rough 2 years, but then I started seeking help. I feel I'm finally in a good enough place to address everything and now with a clear mind, I'm able to write again.


This book is not over, it will be finished and I promise that. The plans for this book consist of:

- At least one new part a week

- To be completed by December

- To be edited once complete

I apologize for the hiatus but the show must go on and by the afternoon expect another update to Taken.

To anyone who has stuck around, thank you and there's more to come.

Taken ➢ Carl Grimes x Reader - EDITING Where stories live. Discover now