Part XIII.

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New book: Expiate ➢ Carl Grimes

As soon as you exited Deanna's ravishing home you saw the two adorable men. They were sat in front of a beautiful white home which was most likely theirs.

Their arms were wrapped around each other while the wind slowly blew through their hair. The smaller one, Eric was staring in complete awe at his man and it put a smile on your face. They were so cute, but that house was something else.

Without making your presence known you ran up behind Aaron and poked his sides. The man jumped out of his skin and was practically squeezing poor Eric.

"Hi, Aaron. Deanna said I get to stay with you all." You announced with a toothy grin plastered onto your face. Your eyes were practically sparkling and you weren't the only one elated.

"That's great! I'll give you a tour." Eric beamed and you could hear Aaron quietly sigh. Was he not happy about this? You could have sworn he wanted to have you in his home.

"I-I'm sorry. If it's not okay with you, Aaron. I'll ask if Deanna can let me go with someone else." You muttered out and locked eyes with your shoes.

"No, It's completely fine. I'm honored to have you in our home, Eric just gets too excited about things like this." He chuckled out and rested a hand on your shoulder. His blueish-brown eyes focused on your prominent features and all he could do was smile.

"Staring is awkward, my uncle does it all the time." You blurted out but instantly felt your heart drop. Not only were you without your beloved Carl, but you were without your Uncle Daryl. You never had to time to catch up with him and it hurt like hell.

"(Y/N), you shouldn't dwell on it. C'mon let's go on in." You heard Eric softly say as he nudged you towards the front door. Aaron stayed behind, but it didn't bother you, he most likely needed some time alone.

"Ok, so, this is the living room and the kitchen. Don't ask about all the license plates. He likes to collect them." Eric started off with as you slowly took in the house. It was bit full, but you didn't mind it. It was all so aesthetically pleasing and you could tell Aaron had a thing for signs.

The rest of the house was drenched in them yet it all looked oddly homey and your room was the last thing shown off. It was quite large and the bed could easily fit five people. There were enough books to fill an entire library and you couldn't keep the excitement in.

"It's perfect." You whispered out, mainly to yourself and plopped down on the plaid comforter. It truly did feel as soft as a cloud and you could feel your eyes beginning to close.

"Don't get too comfy, you still got kids to meet," Eric explained before leaving you to dwell on his statement. Kids? You didn't want to meet anyone near your age, they always ended up being naive or rude. Besides, what if one was Carl's age, what if he ended up liking you? Or you liked him?

You groaned at these unwanted thoughts and pulled yourself up from the cozy bed. You looked like a mess and the mirror proved your opinions were correct, but what were you to wear?

A pitch black tee sat at the bottom of your bag and you remembered it was practically untouched. With a messy bun, that shirt and your current faded jeans you'd look slightly presentable.

And you did.

You finished the look off by wiping off as much dirt as you could with a hand towel and wrapping a flannel around your waist. Hopefully, this was good enough and if there was a girl your age there maybe she'd complement you.


It was finally time to meet the kids Eric spoke of. They were sat outside a house down the street and they seemed to be enjoying their time. It was two boys, both around Carl's age and a girl also around his age.

They appeared to be close and you felt the slightest bit bad. You didn't want to ruin their fun, but it was too late. The brown haired boy instantly noticed you and you felt your stomach drop.

"Hi." You mouthed out before slowly walking towards them. They all gave you warm smiles and motioned for you to sit.

"I'm Ron, over there is Mikey and that's Enid." The brown haired boy explained and you only nodded. Mikey was eyeing you up and down which caused you to fold your arms over your chest.

"Stop, she isn't some new video game." Enid hissed as you awkwardly cleared your throat and sat down next to her. You could practically hear a pin drop with how silent it became and you prayed this would hurry up and end.

Nothing was said and the only noise welcomed was the wind. It blew through Alexandria's vegetation and caused the wind chimes to sing. The temptation to excuse yourself or make small talk began to rise, but you weren't sure as to where you should start. Talking to Carl was so easy, but this was like trying to take a test after missing months of school.

Luckily, Ron cleared his throat and let his mouth hang open. You could tell by the look in his eyes that he was searching for words and when they were found his eyes lit up.

"Hey, we got video games? Do you play?" Ron questioned as unwanted eyes locked onto you. It was all too much and you remembered Carl played video games. When this all started, at the quarry, he'd ramble on about his favorite first person shooters and how wonky the new controllers were.

Any thought of that beautiful boy hurt. It felt like a million daggers stabbing your heart and you knew for a fact you looked like a crybaby. Tears were pouring out of your eyes and you couldn't stop them.

It was like it was finally all sinking in and you wanted to run out of this town and into Carls' arms, but he was miles away from you, he was taken from you the way you were taken from him.

The posse you had just met all sat confused until Ron, the only one who did stuff, came to your side. He crouched down in front of you, Mikey following his lead.

His hands grabbed onto your boney shoulders while Ron moved your hands ever so gently away. They both shot you sympathetic looks and you could finally see all of Mikey's features, even with tears clouding your vision.

He had perfectly dark hair and equally as dark eyes. They looked like tiny bits of coal and he had a light dusting of freckles across his cheeks. Ron, on the other hand, was the opposite. His hair was a fairly light shade of brown and his eyes were the color of the sea. He was quite pale and you could tell by the way he looked at Enid every now and then they were together.

You reset your gaze onto Mikey while a blush spread across his face. If you weren't completely head over heels for Carl you would gladly welcome Mikey into your life, but then again what if you never saw Carl? It was pure luck the last time and for him to find you a second time, you just couldn't see how it'd be possible.

With the loss of any hope you had, you wiped away your tears and returned the act, you received when you first introduced yourself. You looked from Mikey's perfectly white sneakers all the way up to his eyes. You checked him out and you could practically hear the knife of betrayal stabbing Carl.

You in that moment signed a deal with the devil and could only hope you made the right decision.  


So I made a new Carl Grimes fanfic...

Expiate ➢  Carl Grimes

You should totally check it out and tell me what you think! (:

Also, I reread my book today, I'm so so sorry. There's a lot of grammar mistakes and it's a bit odd to read at times. I know I need to go edit it again, but I'm always trying to get new parts up on this account and my main one that I forget. I'll edit it again as soon as I get to part 20.

Thank you guys for enjoying this book even though it's a little rough around the edges. I'm so happy about 14k and it means so much!

Taken ➢ Carl Grimes x Reader - EDITING Where stories live. Discover now