Part XIV.

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The sun began to fall behind the lanky Virginia trees as within moments the moon took the sun's place and littered the dark blue sky with stars.

It was all you could see outside Ron's bedroom window and it was truly mesmerizing. You never took the time to acknowledge their beauty, but now that you were safe behind these thick walls with nothing else to do but smash buttons on a controller, you took them in.

You blocked out all the clicking that came from the Xbox controllers, you ignored all the yelling and sounds of gunfire that came from the television and just stared. You took in every speck of dark purple and light blue that came from the night sky and smiled.

"God dammit Ron! You looked at my screen, I saw you!" Belted out Mikey as you jumped from his sudden yelling and shot him a glare.

"Mikey, we're sitting right here, you don't have to yell." You lectured as Enid set her comic down and let out a soft laugh.

"Maybe you just need to get better, then you won't die so much," Enid suggested, a hint of sassiness in her tone while you ridded Mikey of the controller in his hands.

"I'll show you how it's done, Mikey." You mumbled out, hitting button after button, trigger after trigger and slaughtering Ron. You felt the corners of your mouth start to lift up as large red letters appeared on Ron's side of the screen.


You beat Ron by ten kills while he only killed you twice, even with looking at your screen. You knew you just owned the poor brown haired boy, but winning felt nice and you had bragging rights.

"If you'll excuse me this MLG pro gal will be heading outside. I need some fresh air ya nerds." You joked, throwing the black remote onto the bed and slipping out of the room.

You could hear Enid and Mikey laughing as you walked down the stairs till it all fell silent when you reached the back door. The window sitting within the door showed off a nice pond with pretty flowers surrounding it. It was the perfect spot for stargazing and the perfect spot for you to think on things.

Escaping the safety of Ron's house you slowly walk over to the quaint pond and grab a handful of small rocks, skipping a few of them on the sparkling water and letting out a soft sigh.

You felt so lonely in this picture perfect town and even though it was still your first day here you couldn't help but feel lost. You had Rick and the gang at the very start, you lost them for a while, but you were back with them. That was your family and being with new people just didn't feel right. You wanted so badly to move on from them, to move on from the boy who held the key to your heart, but it was so hard.

Instantly, you felt your body collapse onto the soft grass, your knees made contact with the fresh green blades while you cupped your hands over your face and screamed.

You screamed into the silence feeling a lone tear slip down your face, but your moment was interrupted by Mikey.

The freckled gamer cleared his throat and plopped down next to you. You could tell this was awkward for him as he remained silent for a bit and just stared at the deep blue water.

"So, you liked someone before Alexandria?" Mikey inquired while you raised an eyebrow and adjusted your position on the ground. How did Mikey know? You never brought it up and it's not like dating was a normal thing in the apocalypse.

"Um, yeah, I did, but I'll never see him again." You admitted and looked down at the grass. Small little beads of dew were forming on them and it almost looked like they were crying with you.

"Why do you say that?" He asked again, his stare now on you while you tucked your knees in towards your chest and shrugged.

"I lost him about three months into the apocalypse, maybe two, I'm not sure. We were separated for a long time and then he found me in this rundown store. We were so happy to be back together again, I was happy to be with the gang then I got left behind in this church. They didn't mean to, but it was swarmed with those things. They had no choice and I know him finding me again, well, that would be close to impossible." You whispered out and looked up at Mikey. Even sitting down he was taller than you.

"Oh, that sucks, you two were like a zombie-slaying couple right?" He laughed out as you instantly felt yourself cringe.


Zombies made this all seem like some joke, like some damn horror movie or video game and that's not what this was. This was real life and it wasn't to be taken lightly. Those things he called zombies were once real people. They were family members, friends, people who tried to make it day by day before the shit hit the fan. They didn't deserve a name like that.

"Please, don't call them that, they're walkers." You explained as Mikey's expression quickly softened.

"Right, Walker's, well until you find him I can be there for you. You can kick my ass in video games." Mikey beamed while letting a small smile appear on his face. You wanted to say sure, why not, but you still felt like you were betraying Carl.

He wouldn't replace you like this and the thought of you doing it to him, it'd make you an unfaithful cheater. Mikey, however, could sense the conflict going on within you as he raised a hand and rested it on your back.

Giving you a reassuring pat on the back you swallowed the lump in your throat and nodded.

"Well, I'll take you up on the ass kicking in video games." You joked, letting out a much-needed laugh as Mikey rolled his eyes at your statement.

"Yeah, whatever, and if it helps, I think he'll find you again, (Y/N)."  


Sorry for taking so long to update, my internet was off, but don't worry I have more parts coming very soon. (And yeah, I know, this part was kinda poop.)

I know how I want to end this book and I should have it completed before the end of summer. But as soon as I'll end it I'll start working on the prequel! (:

Also, after I finish this I kind of want to do a book about a blind/deaf girl (Yes, it'll be a carl fic.) Would y'all read it?

Anywhore, comment your opinions, I love hearing from Y'all! 

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