Part XII.

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The drive felt like forever, but that was probably due to the multiple stops Aaron was forced to make. The walkers, tonight, felt like having a gathering and they blocked off two of the roads that lead him and his boyfriend back home.

We were forced down back roads and it only added time to the drive, but all was well. The three of you soon reached a gate, The bright light coming from the full moon hit the camp. It served as a spotlight tonight and you could even see some of the houses that were in the photos. They were massive and multiple towered over the thick, steel walls.

The sight of his camp screamed safe and you couldn't be happier, you just hoped she wouldn't be too hard on you. You looked like a monster, but maybe she'd see past it.

Sure enough, their leader was the first thing you saw when two unknown faces pulled the creaky gate open. She had silky straight blonde hair, her skin had aged like fine wine and her clothes were sparkly clean.

She didn't look like a leader, but you were most likely wrong. Aaron and Eric helped you out of the car and you quickly fixed your hair and smoothed all the wrinkles out of your shirt. A small smile was spread across her face.

"Welcome back." She gently said to the two men head over heels for each other. You weren't quite sure what to do so you sent a wave towards the gentle woman and cleared your throat.

"Hi, I'm (Y/N)" You whispered out while fixating your stare on the houses. They were the definition of perfection and you wanted to run throughout all of them. By the looks of it, they'd probably smell of warm vanilla cupcakes and fresh lavender and you could only imagine how soft the furniture was inside. The beds probably felt like little clouds and the blankets, like a million fuzzy bear cubs were hugging you till you dozed off in complete heaven.

You were beginning to daydream about anything and everything in the picture perfect community and their leader could tell. She ever so gently grabbed your shoulder and sent you the warmest of smiles.

"Why don't you follow me, I have some questions I need to ask." She stated, beginning to walk off and with no other option, you followed behind her like a lost puppy with their tail between their legs.

When you reached the inside of her house, however, you couldn't contain your excitement. Your eyes lit up like tiny Christmas trees and you found yourself smack in the middle of her perfectly rustic living room. What seemed like thousands of books sat in this room and even vintage looking cameras.

There was a drafting table perfect for everything art related and even a pile of house blueprints. You wanted to run up to everything and touch it all, but you knew the rules were probably those of a museum.

Don't touch.

Instead, you turned to face the female whom was lightly chuckling, your mouth went ajar and you were only able to stammer while making amusing gestures with your hands.

"I see you like it in here, my name is Deanna Monroe. You can take a seat if you'd like." She stated and you quickly nodded your head. The woman didn't even need to ask you, that white and blue chair was calling your name and you quickly hauled ass over to it. It's soft fabric engulfing you as you groaned in relief.

"It's so nice in here! This chair, I-It's sooo soft." You beamed dragging out some out your letters and slamming your eyes shut, but they were instantly forced open when you heard the click of a camera.

"Do you mind if I film this?" She inquired while adjusting the tripod and fiddling with some of the camera settings.

"Oh, sure. What were the uh questions you needed to ask?" You requested while adjusting your position and smiling at the camera. Deanna's fragile form sitting in front of you as she pushed some her hair back and cleared her throat.

"How long have you been out there?" She started with and you felt time freeze. Would this change her view on you? You had been out there since the very start and you had gone through so much. What if she just saw you as some young feral beast?

You hesitated on your answer, but eventually grew a pair and looked her straight in the eyes. "Since this all started. I spent a lot of this new world alone, though." You answered with and she nodded in acceptance. Her stunning eyes scanning the paper on the table, probably for more questions.

"Did you have a group?"

"Yeah, I was with them at the start. Some awful stuff happened and I got separated from them for a good year. We found each other again not too long ago, but I lost them." You whispered out and felt tears pooling up in your eyes. You refused to let them spill in front of their strong, independent leader, but she could tell you were hurting.

"I'm sorry, did you have a favorite hobby before all this?" She once again questioned and you raised an eyebrow up at her in confusion. It was something you hadn't heard of in a long time. In a world, like this where the dead roamed the earth and the living became heartless, there was no time for 'hobbies'.

You thought hard, though, and eventually found some memories of things you'd always do for fun. You'd never be able to recreate those memories nor activities, but she wanted to know, so you spilled the beans.

"Well before all this I loved to cook with my mom, we'd run around the kitchen, sing into our wooden spoons and make weird dishes we saw on the food network. It was so much fun and I even loved taking pictures on her old cameras. Everything was great, but only with her." You whispered out and finally let a tear escape; it ever so gracefully fell down your cheek and you could sense Deanna's presence was no longer across from you.

Your eyes quickly re-scanned the wood-filled room till you saw her blonde head peek back in. She took soft, gentle steps towards you and within her hands was a silver camera from the nineties. It looked so much like the camera your mom owned and your heart was exploding from happiness when she handed the precious piece over to you.

"I don't know your mom, but she'd be happy to see this with you. You'll take pictures of our community and of our people for your new housemate Aaron to show off." She started off with and you felt your smile growing with every word. Deanna wanted you here and she even saw potential in you. You now had a role within the perfect community and you even got to stay with Aaron. As weird as he was, in the beginning, he was slowly growing on you and you could now finally say you had two gay dads.

"Now go find them, they'll show you around." She beamed and you instantly shot up from your spot on the chair. Time to find the lovebirds.  

Sorry for any spelling errors! I'm trying to update all my books on this account and my main one @VenusRey today. D:

I hope y'all enjoyed the new part and make sure to leave a cheeky little vote and comment! Thanks, loves!

(Also, shameful promotion! I've been updating my book World So Cold (Daryl Dixon Story)  A lot)

it's my favorite thing ever to write! Y'all should totally check it out! (:

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