Part XXVI.

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(I wrote a Shawn Mendes Fanfic!  Mercy - Shawn Mendes )

The rough pads of his middle and pointer finger were all you could feel.

He was tracing patterns on your abdomen, slowly creating swivels and circles till he reached the bottom of your bra. His lips attached to your neck while he took some of the sweet skin between his teeth, sucking and releasing breathy moans till you finally placed your hand on his shoulder and moved him away.

Carl's eyes moved from the forming bruise to your sparkling eyes, his teeth taking in his bottom lip while you grasped the hem of your shirt and wiggled your way out of the soft garment.

"Gosh, look at you, you're gorgeous." He mumbled out, placing a single hand on your abdomen while his free hand worked on the contraption that rested on your back. Carl kept his lips attached to yours, moving his head to match the pace you were going at till he finally slipped his tongue in and ridded you of your bra.

Instinctively your hand reached up and landed on your breasts in an attempt to hide them from Carl's hungry gaze, but he wasn't having it. He wanted your body and as soon as your hand made contact he quickly shoved it aside and took one of your breasts in his hand.

He took time to work his magic, messing with the sensitive areas around your breasts till he finally lowered his head and flicked his tongue over your nipple. To say it felt good would be an understatement. It was one of the greatest feelings ever and you soon found yourself a moaning mess with your back ever so slightly arched as if to tell Carl you wanted more.

"C-Carl, I want you. Now." You whispered out, pausing between words to let out breathy moans. Moans that caused Carl's erection to grow even more till eventually, he couldn't drag it out, he had to satisfy that craving.

He swiftly moved you over to the counter. Your back to the cold granite as you grabbed ahold of Carl's worn jeans. Your clammy hands worked hard to undo the button while Carl ridded himself of his dirty flannel and shirt. His toned body was now on display for you and every inch you took in made undoing that pesky button that much harder.

You cursed yourself for losing sight of your objective, but as soon as the sucker was done you were flipped around and pushed down onto the counter, letting out yet another moan as Carl grabbed and spanked your clothed rear end.

"Lemme see." He mumbled out, ridding himself of his jeans while you slowly did the same. Slipping your jeans off then your panties you bent back over, your ass now all his as he once again grabbed it and licked his dry lips.

"Please, Carl." You managed to groan out, reaching in between your legs and rubbing that small sensitive bud that caused your legs to shake ever so slightly from the pleasure.

Carl couldn't contain himself either. He, like a hungry animal, spread your legs and swiped his tongue over your womanhood. The very taste of your juices sent him over the edge while he slipped his tongue in and felt every beautiful ridge. At this point you felt yourself quivering, your core throbbing while Carl finally stood back up.

"You taste so good." He addressed while he rested a palm on your lower back. His other helped guide his hard member which twitched with every small touch, but once he finally slipped in it was game over.

The way you fit around him sent him overboard and when you both had adjusted to the new feeling he went at it like a feral beast.

He thrusted as fast as he could into you and as deep as he could. Releasing a few grunts here and there and watching as you moved your hand from that sensitive bud to your breasts. Fondling them and pinching your nipple he felt himself coming close, but you did as well.

Reaching your climax before him you hung your head down and let out a few loud moans with Carls name slipped in between some. Your hand was no longer on your breast, instead, it was on the counter, gripping it for dear life as you tightened around him and let it all go.

The feeling was far too much for Carl and he quickly had to remove himself from the situation. Pulling out like his life depended on it, he took his aching member into his hands, firmly grasping it and giving it a few good jerks before he released on your toned rear end.

It was as if an anchor had been lifted off your relationship with Carl. All new feelings were there and a few moments after Carl climaxed you turned around and smoothed your hair down. Your sweaty body up against his as you attached your lips to his neck, returning the sweet kiss he gave you at the start of all this and shortly after your sore pink lips parted to make words.

"I love you too, Carl. Also, a shower sounds nice too." You squeaked out and thank god he was all for that idea and perhaps a round two.



How was it? lol

And oh my, look I actually updated again. It wasn't 4 months later xD

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