Star Mine × Strange Dark (Onesided) [CHARACTER DEATH WARNING!!]

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{Prepare your feels!!}

'Where do I begin with explaining myself? My name isn't important. Not to them anyway. They all look at me as if I'm a stranger staying with them. None of them know me or even really know I'm here half the time. I'm a waste of space. I'm invisible. I'm worthless. Before you say that I'm not any of those things, do you even know me? Or even know my name? Of course not. You don't really care either. You may say you do, but you don't. With that out of the way, I'd like to actually talk about what I came here to talk about. Have you ever loved someone, but knew you couldn't have them? I have and still do. I know if the one he loves and I were on the verge of death and he could only pick one of us to save... he wouldn't pick me. I also know that if I were to actually disappear, no one, especially him, would care. Not even you. Who knows how long it's been since I've made my decision... days.... weeks.... months... maybe even years... I don't know. But you don't care. I'm gone and you don't care. I would have given anything for someone to come to my room and ask if I wanted to just go for a walk or watch a movie in the living room... anything really. No one ever did though. No matter how many times I've watched the shadows pass by under my door, not one of their owners ever stopped and checked on me. Not a single one. No, 'how are you's or 'are you okay?'s..... no one was ever curious enough to actually open the door to see who's room it was. Hopefully, if there ever is another module like me, they'll be loved and cared for.... or at least noticed and included in with the group. I never was... but I have always wanted to know what being loved and cared for feels like. It seems nice. Having someone to sleep next to when you're cold or scared... to hold you when you're upset... I wanted that. I wanted that so badly. But it's forever out of reach...... I'm wondering if you're actually listening now... are you bored yet? I'm almost finished, so don't worry. I'd just like to say that if you're watching this... I know you. I've probably seen you walk past me or heard your voice... I probably know your name too. But you don't know mine, do you? Do I look familiar? Or do you even recognize my voice? Probably not. I'm the outcast, the waste of space, remember? You can't possibly know me. You don't care. I cared about you, though. I cared about all of the modules. I gave them what I silently begged for. Before I end this... end everything, I should say... I want you, whoever is watching this, to know that what I did is for the best. With that being said, goodbye. You never knew me, but I knew you, and I cared about you. You're better off without me. I'm no longer around to waste space. Just carry on with your life. Go back to ignoring me, except I'm not there to ignore anymore. And to the one I love... I love you with all my heart, even though you probably never knew I was here. Goodbye, to whoever is watching this... I'm done. By the time you see this, I'll be long gone.... '

The video ended and the blue-eyed blonde who was watching began to cry. This was the third time he had watched the video in the past few hours. What made him break down the most was the date on the video... it was filmed two years ago. Two years before he even lived here. Yet he longed to give the small boy what he wanted, to be loved and cared for. He decided to search the laptop for the boy's name and finally found what he was looking for in the start-up menu. 'Strange Dark...', he repeated the name over in his mind a few times before wiping his eyes.

He was now in love with a boy who had been dead for two years.


The green-eyed blonde known as Strange Dark sat on the edge of a tall cliff not too far from the mansion. He looked down at the raging water below, to most it would seem scary, but to him it was something that was to save him from his pain. The sound of thunder made him look up. Out in the distance was an approaching thunder storm. The already black sky seemed to grow darker as the moon and stars were covered by the clouds. The wind whipped around him as it began to rain. A flash of lightning briefly lit the area around him as he was being soaked. Dark then stood up and turned so his back was facing the edge of the cliff. Tears filled his eyes as thoughts of the one he loved made his head hurt. He walked backwards until he fell off the cliff. Dark opened his eyes and the last thing he saw was a flash of lightning and a familiar face peering over the cliff's edge just before he felt his head collide with a rock and everything went black.


So. Much. Editing.
I had completely forgotten about this... and when I re-read it, I cried.


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